✈️ Soda Summer Flights ✈️ Chance to earn 20GB 🤩
(N - Z)
@n8tiveione , @naboney , @nadsali , @Nanayana , @Nanna1151 , @Nannieof5 , @NannyLinda , @Nanzo , @NashR84 , @NaszIsaac77 ,@nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw , @nese1947 , @Nilceia , @nimitz40 , @Nk_sexy1204 , @Norma_Mathieson , @Norrablomman , @nymphadora , @o2cool , @oceanrush92 , @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 , @otrhona , @ounti , @Pam_Ramsey , @parkesygamer88 , @pattyj , @paynee , @Peanutgal , @Pedro_Alberto , @PeeWee_Garner , @peincess , @penguin123r6 , @PennyZ , @pepper118 , @pequecantoral , @perfectly_imperfect , @PerfectStorm , @phi1ar , @phkay , @Phoenix62 , @Phoenix79 , @Piccollo , @pimonte , @PJNew21 , @Plaulau , @Pooka2 , @poorbabi2 , @precious123 , @Prettymsdance , @Probhodana ,
@Puppe , @Pysanka , @Queenieg4 , @QueenieMcGuire , @quianzj77 , @raelynn74602 , @Raetzman , @rahcards , @ralumley , @rararachael85 , @rasjr92 , @RegansHere , @ReneAlen , @rhamesses , @rhondadearmond , @rhondagearin67 , @Rick1969 , @Rixgrlraven , @rkd4usc , @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 ,@rocky1997 , @romalv , @Roman2018 , @roo4002 , @RReck , @ruben19 , @rukz , @runt64 , @Runzwsizzorz , @rusty2 , @rutgerdewitx , @saedhanfy55555 , @sambrat , @SAMcat0102 , @samd1 , @samiyamommy , @SammieSweetheart1994 , @sanddris92 , @Sandyhplay , @sandyscove , @sarangd , @SarLou , @sassySarah , @SavageMaMaz124 , @SavingGrace , @scotsgrey63 , @Screwchaser , @Seija_Gregor , @SeraGulersoy0929 , @SexcKit , @Sexynaenae , @sgoass1954 , @shado700cc , @Shakyalmond , @shanai82 , @shanda0413 , @Shanna_Banana , @sharpshooter8888 , @shavon , @ShayShay89 , @shelby_fka_davidson , @sherwood1995 , @shira17 , @shisino , @shona1502 , @shorty2346 , @shrofv , @shroomsgrl , @Shwh67 , @SickBoy13 , @silviadelatorre , @simmo40 ,@Sindatur , @SiReK , @SirWellington , @siti_payung , @sixxy001 , @sjbwhite20 , @sjkbeckham , @skduwhekskhe , @slhamby ,@slotstarkey , @SLPJeep2020 , @smacster , @Smarties1 , @Smatter , @smcm6370 , @smcmscctc , @Snardly , @Solomon6 , @solsen622 , @Speicker1 , @srynes01 , @Stac_Sue , @starcloud2020 , @StayFocusedOnUs , @stellanoita , @stephens004 , @Stiffy , @stina36 , @StuckInATree , @SueBee717 , @suedee , @sunniskyes , @Susancarol @Suzuka , @SuzyDoozy , @sweets0426 , @Sylvia382 , @SylwiaRum , @taina388 , @taito2000 , @tankman , @TanyaBucel , @Taratobin1980 , @Tasmeen , @TempleKassing , @temptressregna8 , @Texastornado , @TG2022 , @The_disaster_1 , @theertha__krishna , @TheMatrixster , @Theodora_Doreta , @Thilerges , @Tia46vsJd79 , @tiannap , @tichia , @tigsmum , @TinaMarie2021 , @tinymoore0424 , @Tlhbang , @tmp1710 , @TMStoner1 , @Tom999 , @tombos, @TootyTooty , @topblk , @TotoAml , @traci54 , @traveler2007 , @treborslady , @TreeThom , @Trina72 , @Trish2420 , @Trish517 , @tscheip , @TugUgly , @Tupac19 , @twibble87 , @Twintiggrz , @txmoogie , @TXWildflower , @ugadawg , @ugocent , @unicornweis , @unitrish1953 , @urangel327 , @Urmi_Islam , @UrsulaClaussen , @VampireAngie , @_vani_patel_ , @vic185053 , @vicki01 , @Vilminha7 , @Vimutisuk , @VioletWitch , @Vmpyrchik , @Vontrae , @wedonotconsent , @Werti , @whereishannaa , @whitneyv , @wickedassone , @williamsdenise36 , @wizardguy80 , @wizardsense , @wordeater , @wtiger17470 , @wwitch , @Xaylem , @ylia12 , @youknewthis , @yulisey , @ZeeMom ,@zhengarthur2418 , @zJzJ , @ZombieNinjaGrrl
Tagging CCS and CCSS Players into spoiler :
CC: @__MULLIGANACEOUS__, @KrazeK, @Merx_Gonzalez, @serviceste735, @rachmariie, @RedHeadAllTheWay, @mnm41, @hanhtranvietnam, @Alizakhan, @twila, @Fakhruddin-2, @JoMama311, @Scorpio54, @Perdiansyah, @Fences, @Cw1310, @bobjenn327, @brent_doolin, @Stephanschulz, @dianaperez200, @Nazakat, @Frupje, @Dadderdanei, @AllisonTravis, @dajare, @arwen777, @Julianah, @andresjis, @MJB_JDB_EPB2013, @kims68, @yoph_1234, @tmgiuffre, @Ecam, @MUNOZSUSANA172, @twingader, @sierrajanet, @kreamnsuga79, @Fahriddin, @Beeves21, @SabrinaGregory, @TWalsh, @greddycandy, @tanii19, @nickwilliams, @lacrosskim, @olyamt, @AmyE2018, @pupikat1, @Petrena, @MajuHaj, @nacona123, @Yaya777, @fuchsika, @Marcellus_Cémeris, @Germano_, @MattieLilly, @tollerdog01, @Fakhruddin-2, @creswell, @rare, @NikitaAnne, @aflood93, @buckie, @maria_labrador, @Kapri_Rose, @Shevonne, @Lady_Eragon, @deplayer, @exterminador, @YoshLee44, @HughLaurie1959, @TheCapstodian, @glcoop66, @LeahK, @Queen_Neni, @Blaxer, @joshua2c, @paco1234, @MonroeH, @rach42, @tinaruparel, @CandyCrushCustodian, @candyujwal, @C17LOAD, @danicandy, @Suzanne_Mel, @Mommyof3yay, @Nenikapaki, @Boybinary, @alexarya, @Magic_Mixer, @KaseyM, @HughLaurie1959, @julzie68, @sweetjenna, @Buck3132, @PGS210, @Pcastel, @traxx2007, @KENTFIELDER, @2much, @cjay63, @lakiere, @Colleen-12, @starlighters101, @fam44, @bsabrina69, @niecy76570, @Niome, @Pixie06, @paintyew094, @cindyclagg, @sambulance, @cherride, @kdemello101086, @swanmom, @thangpuii, @Angeladawn74, @Goldenswordz, @Shirtae, @Joyfully, @Meahlover, @chickenlittles214, @Phillygrl, @betchiegrl29, @jsscdodd031, @John_58011, @lindark, @magdalenamarkovic087, @babsblake, @VermillionRed, @AmosCapable, @Barry_Dean_Clark, @ckmy, @marandamcintosh568, @davidlan, @Mariesel, @pytnrd, @may28, @EBishop1971, @Btme, @JessicaBilly, @sherriarscott, @crush86, @samm_kml
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Tagging CCJS and CCFS players into spoiler :
CCJ: @DerPanther @BimbaBimba @mafong @ThetHtar @wdalman @LASHANINDA @hsain @darlenejr88 @Eneida_Ndulo @Radek1966 @Lfloyd95 @JMag @mhemz @Lingus @AceK @sideout2121 @babijane @mmc0515 @LotusC @dmcundiff1978 @Ohema @chickyjelly @beanie904 @MariaDella @jellystar @ZeesLady @tonefernandes @ButterScotchJonz @QueenRabbit @ktrost11 @SayuriHamada @BAWS @lisacz1984 @1509hk1547 @samsimpson945 @NatalieG @Alyse_Mac @NatalieArefjeva @tinytara1970 @dawnprather26 @neuticles @janeau_owl @Jenplayer @Dracojdh @grffxprs @mjeffcoats @Connie-19 @Jaak_Anari @Scott93 @tarin98 @Amy_Hindman @ninjachic75 @peturnea @fabulouskiki @JaVo_eL_GaTo @Alecsandra @bwalthour @armywife @rebeldoll @Dawn_Brown @QueenJill @FiveStar59 @cracker @travler_girl @zooj @Canddddddyyyyyyyyyy @MDT842 @queenshenia @Nosi84 @KETTIEPIE990 @musie @JLC13 @Sinaman @Gville @MelindaSue @kimmy1030 @NADINESIWA@beansyoo @Laurenciamo @usakohope @Elthan @letmewin @gamgamz2104 @carrielee @BICBILLY @chan5 @LuluDK @EndreUjvari @Purplelife_50 @c78reynolds @chaz1986 @user1015 @CayliesGranna @classych @Pablo_G @Mrs_Leavens1991 @krystie @logger1997 @hyl @123neha @MiMiDots @bre1313 @fhartell @mickeykyger @ndennison @KarmaPolice @julyahnamcbraxa @gracie8188 @eimmitzurc @tinka1048 @rodrigokinney @talkinboutlola @Ace94 @BarBoucq99 @whiss @maryler @Jilybean74 @tarynleeshae @Anazxo @beckerfix @BMummert46176 @Krystal07 @Stefanie_Keyes @PRONeiro @JMag @Amkenny @romanticreader85 @Sancias @ktrost11 @fishfan626 @NatalieG @MrsBlinkie @NatalieArefjeva @elm12811 @MommaSweed @irishrose0312 @Destiny_13 @MimisBug @95chata @crazyjr123 @GiGiPerry @oliamel @CLEMDOG @cathybaz @mccarty1934___ @Abbeyd26 @Lily_Poulin @TerryCabo @TaraFB @barb1924 @Brillyints @seajay @mldubus @jessy_marcal @PattyRae @Lingus @whit113 @lovemybabyjs @DawnScott12 @Chankie @munci19 @aryn @MzHoney @mp36__ @Bossyldy35 @SaraKay0404 @pita28bug @lisaluvs @cjabba @CorbinT @SumWeWin @Cleoandrobyn @RHmarine21 @Jess42079 @zzhourglass @Taisueki @Bamablondechick @BoSkully312 @d_d @Rangas @lilronnie79 @chelecrusher @nicolegucci @Riccardob1988 @NikkiJean710 @EMB428 @shadyvenus311 @jacksonlegacyfive @Miche1982 @jsscdodd031 @Channi34 @Fishyfun @Suzy_00 @Kdaniel2015 @mar_mar @Gyongyusz @bluelaura177 @Netay75 @David_Wolfson @ljbuckets @Tomatohead70 @Vicky_Renee @rshannon @Deb-5 @katee1959 @dennylove82 @mosi_47 @chrkiki79 @Nell16 @npetrik
@RachelBieman @Ronda_Sanders @Heidstar @cheers2u @WILLKIMBER69 @Thumper2020 @happyem @VVDA @Lil'_Momma @Christie037 @chris0212 @jabuford @Snailfedex @Taofeekoye @kiyah2011 @Uffe82 @dm1 @mcintoshcourtney @Beams_Jones @tammy77 @james477 @matchorno @lric @lindaz432 @BatmomVA @Menarley @rebaamoush206 @TexasT54 @Tiatouti @SiReN33xx @ChickaDee2019 @thatgirlGG @TalulaRae @KayyB505 @emmsb @pricesafiyyah @cosita7 @smellanie35 @roxana72wild @Taofeekoye @mara200 @AprilEstes @MyGrandmaBear @nghecute @VVDA @Queenie23 @Michelanie @dangermouse_5915 @kristwn853 @newhope1957 @rebaamoush206 @jeannieh @Lerissa @TABBYJO712 @mdesavage @GingerLaBonte @outlander @klev8628 @Mrsmandefero @pikelake @carla196647 @KerriHeroux @brennant13
CCF: @wabsy246, @wbh_cecilia, @JSimpson4, @NikitaOhOh, @GingerBlueEyes, @MelMel1975, @ellectra, @Ransome30, @Winge, @anickol3, @little_kay, @lincow, @Ruksana541, @ACDW, @dharryfn, @daniel47, @samuye2222, @Kate3A, @taraskelly1, @barbfuentes1, @Annwat, @spring_queen_18, @july1988, @actress, @marandamcintosh568, @jsscdodd031, @jrite, @Mom_Shute , @sweetieke
Tagging PP, FH, PS, BB and DD players into spoiler :
PP: @ruiva001 , @Peetra , @Ooma_Segran , @ZoricaPanda , @kamonrut19, @Feligirl , @mary12 , @Marry79 , @Pat_Ferraro , @lorraine5050 , @Marbelles , @Priscilla_Nooner , @CarlitaAlfonso, @sarahkupton @GTFan , @trudymitch , @Bets. @lingho .@Snelee . @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 . @SexyCrush . @tigger123 @carollbiel .@tabby33 .@candyfloyd2. @sassysasha91 .@ringobatkin .@marianngerwig .@sml309, @12monty34 .@Snelee. @klaybasket. @Gatica .@daisycake .@cooper123 .@Katrina47 .@DonnaB2 .@Joost_Theunis @tracierana .@Nicole_Neubert95 .@Kat-6 @Jane_S . @Keera0913 .@navypsyc .@haus . @Maddie_Ivey @jujito0 @pusaaa @fifi321 @desertflowers04 @bergfuchs @918874145 @PiperLeonberger @Nicole_Neubert95 @hasuna @tam52 @grandadboats @assir_elbaradei @iqsd @Piccaso @godders60 @billionaire @SirThinkALot @MarineChica @ndaoz FH: @10eke @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @Boombalatty @bosschick @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @dilli02 @donte06 @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234 @Grachuh @GranBarb @haraikaria @hbic29 @janka879 @jess94 @jessortiz @Joy_21 @JuLaCrafting @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaitmr @kdorr @kellygirl813 @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lilica7805 @lollyspears @lubblady38 @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @Melbennett @Monia040588 @mymeshell1975 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @piaandersson @PuppaJudge @Rinno2013 @RobinTruitt @Racoon7 @rfjh5 @Rosenrot @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @ShannonCriswell @siruelita_1234 @Star_11 @stingynina @stokrotka @thamby @tkbm7872 @valio75av @wissem_smida @ZeOne @Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @vine98 @MarkyTobi @NRP @DSJDMJ @Krystib @babydiallo @Heatherlaw8686 @Raro_Joyce @ajpepper @delish83429 PS: @kizzybum @adestazio @Teaser1997 @Thin_icE @Jenni51 @fabianaolivera @sandikay @snowmom @Awsmola @ruffeye @MzMarquita @QLC @nonirowe @Reneeblade @Prioleau58 @Moonlite2 @ultrad, @Marcella_UX, @sharrachel, @gina1887 @John_Cooper-3 @tryland @debfay55 @yass78 @Lorna_Druschke @lizbeth4 @kathy3220 @leg28 @OseeASi @beachcat @TheresaArrington @Prioleau58 @Marilungo85 @44dollydimples @love2read @celinem @natty_j @jacquespbcx @christinecederberg @jinty1911 @Patti21 @pattina @dotty1997 @1radfam @Lourdes65 @kiwirose62 @daz4a69 @lemsip1 @conniepark @GwenynGamGam BB : @Snookyzz, @m00nbl00d2012, @melinda_aguilar5322, @Icklejojo DD : @nikaevamia, @Kimmee58, @Gilbert73, @BevyLee, @Amishka, @KikeRuiznavarro, @noahroth, @JeanDee, @LizeKNel, @20202020, @munirahahg, @Claudiyoshi, @Gracyz, @Deepakajal, @huggett, @Atef2020, @Haotyk, @annyman725, @danielef8107, @Farfelu, @flaviojose, @meercat43, @Coqdor91, @mdnowshad, @karber, @TP47, @Hannam199 @user0815, @JagMacStu, @Ulla14, @powergeit, @Rudiecan, @miekken1, @SLASH20, @Bellalily7, @albeesgirl67, @Naline02, @assen, @kando4u3, @Mipmop, @FavorIsFair, @spidervenom, @AudreyL1111, @dleslie, @Andy_Green, @MHastings, @asjbakkie, @user0815, @Mmmkingfan, @Carmesix, @tashiN86, @lchen, @sahelidey23, @Sockermom, @mozart, @Mongol, @casandra66thompson, @mercy680, @Jumn, @asjbakkie, @RegalRenz, @Rudiecan, @Judy8492, @bianca70, @Cubsn1, @annmarie74, @yazzzz78, @mumyforever_33, @Andy_Green, @redmen, @Allison_Glen, @Paffipuffi, @julieschel, @Jerms, @edee, @MotshidisiMoea, @mkeginger, @Nickp1935, @lailaabelmonam, @Manda3, @CathySo, @kristiwest, @ubugrl, @jbells1993, @louguerrero, @Pattyk999, @itzidp, @gladisnoe, @Swinslow1214, @soco1, @SQuilly, @wandamc, @Bonni12, @Dally1_zn, @Michelle_Rayner_2, @Hetheru, @Mirra33, @LoLo513, @Henry_Chan, @Meteory, @Annie_Soutter, @Karona1313, @believer1951, @luisamaria28, @treva125, @12173422847, @bgrovesnh, @bobnkati, @sofes, @winkpop1, @NanaBuzz, @Diamond_dogs, @mrsReyes21, @Melhowe60, @Marycross, @tashiN86, @cld7lnv, @moonnang, @Bev56, @jprswife, @Patsy1812, @dbraydee, @haniTz, @meenakshirudola, @jilaveanu, @NotFahr, @AnamariaTolea, @splasha, @sinnes526, @poissondodouce, @SavtaSoreget, @LeeBelle26, @ttlproctor, @miloshko84, @ubugrl, @Wallycom, @KristinaMarrero, @Silvermoonlilly, @RxRanger, @Jumn, @latte_57, @KWR, @candymandy61, @NanetteWild, @susanbailey, @bhunter, @Kadriye_6022, @02480585506, @susanbailey, @chrisziggi, @Patsy_Fields, @drb, @dihna, @Moonwoman58, @glows, @sivsko, @air2, @jobrown3221, @susanmeerleveld, @froogal, @tel4plm, @Jnice128, @asjbakkie, @linnie123446, @Angel64, @Amy_Amber_Parker, @mati64, @zsuzsika58, @diamond_1, @CYBELE, @Roddrick113, @erlina1969, @charlychoon, @ginaboo, @KatrinaChalon @pbrown1, @PKuehlem, @Mariskastal1971, @StavrosUbud, @Marcella_UX, @Hipabou, @kel0912, @sarvowinner1, @kitkat10410, @sforres705, @negr0, @Nati_Díaz, @Niani01, @Adridt, @Deliajohanna1980, @marikaki_ska, @ich17950, @beek81, @Noel_Werber, @Zocanna, @Bridger, @ladytaz417, @berta6909, @Linda_St-Jean, @nellie73, @annasplayhouse
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I like flying to country, back to country, to country again...
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Hello there @Nix66 . Such a cute badge. Thanks for the tag@Diamond Lim .
What a cool topic to talk about. Miss those days when i was on a plane. I went to this place the first time when i was sent to attend a National Convention . Basically it was about work, not leisure. 😋 The plane ride was such a terrible one because it was storming. I sat near the window, mesmerized by great clouds. Wished I'd seen a 🌈 rainbow.
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Thanks @Diamond Lim for tagging me... I have a true story to share... a very old story.
The first time I went to a foreign country, it was to London. This dates back to 1983 and I was a teenager. My dad decided to buy this really cheap ticket and it was with the Soviet airline called Aeroflot. We flew from Singapore to New Delhi where we had to get out and I was "body searched" for the first time by a fat lady in a white sari. It was 10pm and 41 degrees Celcius! Then we were put back on the plane and served a strange yellow chicken meal with cheap fish eggs on the side (no not caviar) and a sour wine. It would be the first of six identical meals served to us on this return ticket. Our plane had to refuel in Tashkent and we were ushered into a drab-looking building with the word "ресторан" on it. Turned out it was a restaurant with waiters in white shirts and waistcoats holding crystal carafes with icy condensation. My father held out his glass and I stopped him. It was vodka...
Arriving at Sheremetyevo Airport in the wee hours of the morning, the soldier on duty stared at me and at my passport again and again until I was shaking. Then they finally ushered us into the airport hotel... as the escalator went up... 9th floor, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th... Wait a minute... there's no 13th! After a late morning meal, they marched us into a bus with bars on the windows and were forcibly lectured at by a stout lady in an Intourist uniform. Moscow was beautiful and the gold domes of the Kremlin shone in the sun; but the people were haggard and looked hungry. The USSR was then suffering from its sixth year of bad harvests. Finally the bus took a turn back towards the airport and we were put back on the plane to London. I was desperately hungry and my dad had had too much sour wine 🙄
When I tell people this story, they can't believe I've actually been behind the Iron Curtain. Summer of "83
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Thanks for the tag and I love being on planes I cant wait till next vacation
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@Nix66 I love flying and going on vacation, anywhere but my favorite place is Florida to Fort Lauderdale....This place is seems to never sleep it had wonderful Resorts, Restaurants with the best services along with fresh sea food....The beaches are clean and the weather is always warm year round
There are great places to enjoy the Night Life, also family friendly entertainment...there is always something going on somewhere. Once I took a helicopter ride we went out over the Ocean then around the city of Fort Lauderdale it was about a 20 minute ride and well worth the money and seeing that I am ready afraid of heights ( so true) I will never ever ride in a helicopter again no matter what I was so friggin scared that I was going to beat the s@*t out of the pilot when we landed (no joke)
So on the way home we rented a car and I drove back.
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One day my husband and I are going to fly over to Ireland. Where our ancestors were. I would love to tour haunted castle's.
I've never been on a plane. We always drove to the destinations we went to. Aw man this is hard to choose which summer vacation was the best, I think Niagara Falls was the best summer vacation, Maid of the Mist is the name of the boat you were to get on in order to see the falls. We had to put ponchos on because the mist would soak us. You could also see Canada to your right..it was pretty cool we were in between Canada and the U.S.A.