Kimmy's Arcade Idea

My Kimmy's Arcade idea is about those three moves given to us to begin level 1 of this mini game. Please make all level 1 moves capable of spreading the jelly and passing level 1. This way no matter which one of the three we choose, we'll get to level 2...
AND we're not down to only two moves the whole game. If we're given moves that can't possibly pass Level 1, and the game has ended before it began....That's not very fun.
Since each level grows increasingly more difficult, if a booster can't make it past level one, it's useless the entire game. That means I'm down to only two boosters and have nine more levels to go.
Please for the love of Soda, give us a Crushing chance! Because your players don't just love the Candy. We deserve the Candy! ๐น ๐ญ ๐
I love King and love all your games. I have been playing for years and don't have plans to quit. I do have a teensy beef with you, King, and I need to get this off my chest so I'll feel better. Lately King has been providing me an unfair (paid) gaming experience, so here's what I think of it, King.
Any time I've put down a King game (not to return for a while) it's over one of two reasons. Either the game rigging is overboard, or I haven't been shown any love from King. Like, in terms of appreciation through rewards as a (loyal!) customer. At a certain amount act as though you're satisfied and that my money is sufficient. Stop with the incessant tactics to get more and more money out of me. Enough already! At that point you're only ticking off your customer. I want to be clear that King hasn't done this to me on a regular basis. But now they've done it to me on more than a few occasions at an increasing frequency. Which leads me to presume this method worked so well it's become a routine, integral part of the way King conducts business. Being unfair is not equal to being business savy.
At the point when you make it clear to me that my money has stopped being enough, I'm going to resent you. Makes me unlikely to pay you any more ever again. If you're going to rig my gameplay just as much as before I just paid you $4.99? I'm going to notice. Anytime a customer feels jipped is not good for business. Has King been schisting me lately? Yes. Is that my behind the long, wordy rant? Yes. My expectations are reasonable - Whether paying for a tangible item at a store, or an intangible one in a game it's all the same. I know the game's rigged to profit off my microtranaactions and I'm still here. I'm either stupid or I'm microtransactioning for nothin' here, people! Ha. Let's say I pay for an hour of infinite life, I don't want to use it up losing the same level 50 times in a row.
Okay, rant's over now. Feeling much better and coming down off my soapbox.