Level 1
Please allow 5 or more seconds screen time when you have run out of lives to decide wether to spend your gold bars it’s very difficult to see the screen to decide this when straightaway the screen is blocked by ‘play on, complete this level to keep your progress’ but I can’t see to work out wether some more moves would be beneficial and win the game!
Hello @Tinytina and welcome to Soda community 😀
I'm glad you found Soda community! And thank you for reaching out. 🤗
The feature you're looking for already exists. Do you see this blue icon?
It allows you to move away the "play on" message temporarily to give you the chance to have a look at the board for as long as you need. Then you can tap on the board again to make the message appear again and make your decision.
I hope this helps but if it doesn't and you'd like to know more then please ask a question in Support section here, we'll be happy to help 😀
Since this idea is already implemented, this post will be closed now
Thank you 🙂