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Congratulations @hudus on winning the Soda Champion Badge, @Palash_Sarma for winning the Super Champion Badge and @wykoon for winning the Champions of Champions Badge. 🎉
Thank you for a challenging weekend @Pitty_Kitty
Congratulations @maf34100 and @CassD on ribbons 🎉
Congratulations @PummyRaj @CassD and @Tamara73 on winning boosters 🎉
congratulations to
@hudus @Palash_Sarma @wykoon for winning ribbons and badges
@CassD for winning ribbon and booster
@PummyRaj @Tamara73 for winning boosters
thank youfor your congratulations
Congratulations to all winners! Special thanks to @Pitty_Kitty for an engaging contest and for all her hard work to administer this contest!
Dear @Amoonmoon you are a star by far 💜
Thank you @Pitty_Kitty for all your time and work you put into these contests 🤗
Thanks hun grats to u too 😍
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