(CLOSED) ☀️ 🕶 Challenge 1: Soda Summer Games - Win Gold Bars
Hello there!
Welcome to Soda community!
If you'd like to participate in this contest , keep the badge and have your chance to win gold bars, don't forget to play a hard/super/ultra hard level in Soda game 🤗
Visit page 1 to read the contest rules.
If you're lost and you're looking for Candy Crush Saga community instead, head over here
thank you!
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My entry 💃💃
-to keep the badge 🤭-
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My entry
Yay I finally cleared this level after being stuck for two days and finally reaching out for I got it done right after I asked for help.
Did you like taking part in this type of contest?
Yes, I like to take part in the challenges where I can earn badges or prizes. This is my second time doing a weekend challenge
Was completing the challenge too easy/hard?
This one was a bit challenging for me only because I had been stuck on a ultra hard level for several and didn’t ask for help. I might have been able to clear the level if I had asked for help sooner
Did you encounter any accessibility problems? (e.g eyesight, technical issues)
No accessibility problems other than my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, things are blurry if I don’t have my glasses on
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☀️ 🕶 Challenge 1: Soda Summer Games
Super Hard
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Hello @yess41san
happy to see you here!
to participate and keep the badge please re-play any hard/super/ultra level. and take a screenshot of the new score 🤗
screen with the level preview is not valid 😅
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My screen shot
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Had to wait and play 2.5 episodes to reach an Ultra hard level. 😀😀
@Yosca @Pitty @FluffyDinosaur Here's my entry.
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Done 😁