[ENDED]Pin this! A golden opportunity to win Gold Bars in Soda! ✨✨

Hello Soda Players!
Your chance to show your skills in winning Golden Pins in Soda is here!
As you know, levels passed on first try are also known as golden pins in Soda: they're represented by golden squares on the map.
If you manage to earn 5 golden pins, you get your chance to win gold bars!
✨How to participate:
- you must show your starting point first: post a picture of map where your avatar and level below it are visibile
- play levels and post a picture or pictures of your map to show you passed at least 5 levels on your first try.
- it's not necessary to pass 5 levels on your 1st try in a row. You may take as many pictures of your map as you like to capture all the golden pins you earn
Example of 6 golden pins earned:
- you may play and earn as many golden pins as you can or like
- you may not submit old screenshots, cropped and manipulated screenshots; you may not cover level number and avatar
- Player with the most golden pins wins 60 gold bars
- 3 players who collect at least 5 golden pins will be chosen and win 30 gold bars each
- Contest ends on December 30, 8 pm CET
Terms and Conditions here
Want to participate but have no account yet? Then sign up HERE
Here's a bit of a challenge of you!🤗
@_Elsa_@2easy@AaronMedina@actipton80@Adav@aijaziqbal@Alexandra_Tang@ALIXKATERINE@Aly_80@alyn78@Amoonmoon@Anahita_2005@andie78t@Andres-2@armansedat@Athalie@Barry_Dean_Clark@batman27@bearwithme@bekicrusher@betchiegrl29@Beth_Mc_Hugh@BlueberryCupcake@Bookster@Boybinary@BQN537@Bricorn@Brittany1989@BubbleGumSoda@Cagnes@Candycrush26@candycrushinit@CassD@Cathiecc2111@Cats4Caz@CerbeRus777@Chakra@chessyL@ChrisMiller@Clover417@cmwithdar1@Courtney1990@crabapple@criscount@Dawnvanblommestein@daysgoby@deblg@DeepshikhaSharan@DGenevieve@DieOmimi@eddie76@ejurjane@ElisedeJong@EnergizerBunny@enochlarry123@EOTheGr8@Erika0811@ericamitchell@EweNaNa@fabke@Filly_McBean@fleeta@Fonda_Smith@GeileTortenBerlin@Geogat12@giotaki@Glenn1972@GlenysB@Goldenswordz@gordan10@GrammaGaming@greddycandy@Gumyupawpaw@Hana_adamczak@Havish@hechicerilla@Hell66@hephzibelle@HMoore5456@hzakikian@Iffu2@istuff@jasmineshanae90@jayteedy@Jelly_bean_hearts@jellyjean@joensuujenni@johamilton@Julie1988@katarzsic@KCullen127@Kerrie@kiara_wael@Kiki_g@KingsDaughter14@LadyGaivman@lakiere@La Ley@LeFlarcane@lely123@Lemurtek@lindseyNmuir@Lisal6715@lorilm1972@LuciLu8@lunilla@Magic_Mixer@marebear1264@MaryLuyo2020@me6412@mich4429@Moh1977@MollyS@MountainMom@msgraca@Nadia1770@namal_butt_01@NatalieG@Nenikapaki@Nikolaos_Prodromidis@ObscureCow@Orangemoon@Palash_Sarma@PattyMan@PattyRae@PaulaCarrollGeibBeem@paul5473@Pcj@penken@Peti321@pillow6@Pitty_Kitty@Poutsy@pratimadangol@Precious0914@PrincessSkylark@PummyRaj@Purpleking@Purplelife_50@QueebBee1970@Racoon7@Raerobbie@rebelchild@Riri2@Roary2020@rosemariepahayo1@Rox7383@SabrinaM@santo_chris97@shafer223@simplyP@siti_payung@smnafiz@Soda_bottelet@Sukanta_Biswas@Sumtime77@SUZANCE@suzekit@swabby@tashanight3@Tasty_Cake@teasir@teeweiping@teresawallace44@Terri_1@Thmo@tininha1975@tokasa13@Toussaint73@Tracy_Lane@tratelqalam@Trishy68@Twi@Tzvi_Marcu@upperlevel@vanesitamona77@VickMtz@Wells86@Whodeet1@Xxander@Yaz_Milani@Yorben_Goeree@Yosca
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Here's a picture of my map.
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I am in. Here’s a pic of my map
For clarity, it is a minimum of Five gold pins and no maximum ? I still don’t see any pins, lol. 🤓
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@pitty_kitty this sounds like a fun contest! Here is my map
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Hi Pitty_Kitty here's my starting point.
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Here is my starting point. I'm going to try. Those "Ultra Hard" levels are no joke!! Lol
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Starting point
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First 5 golden pin
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Here is my starting level