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More prizes, faster levels

stacycrochet Posts: 40

Level 3

edited March 2023 in Kimmy's Idea Box

How about you move us along at a faster rate. I'm tired of getting stuck in boring levels that require no strategy. Hard is fine, boring and getting stuck for a month is not. Take notes from Jelly. It's fun! Soda has become increasingly dull.

4 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello @stacycrochet and welcome to Soda community!

    Thanks for providing your feedback about the game.

    Would like to see more diverse levels? Would you like to see easier levels?

    Would you like to see more events? Would you like to see diffferent kind of rewards?

    What would you like to see in the game, exactly?

    Feel free to share and elaborate your feedback about the game in discussion section of the community here. I'm happy to pass it on to the Studio 🙂

    Since this post is a discussion about general topics and not an idea about a specific element to be implemented in the game, I'll close this for now

    Thanks 🙂

This discussion has been closed.

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