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@Pitty_Kitty You must have gotten a ton of GB 😄
Ahah. I'm pretty sure all of us get 15 gold bars as a goodbye gift regardless of the amount of stamps collected
Really? I'm surprised. I thought you would've gotten much more. You collected a lot of stamps. I only accumulated maybe a sixth of what you had. It doesn't seem fair. Perhaps they'll bring it back in the future. The swap is not quite even.
The reward we got is almost the same cost as one lolli whereas we can get enormous amount of lollis with the stamps we had. 🤣
Hi @Pitty_Kitty
I had collected thousands of stamps but have never received any reward for this. Maybe you can help?
Hello @MollyS
I'd would try to check for Soda updates first (I remember I got the pop-up after an app update some days ago) and if needed contact King Player Support directly from Soda app to ask about it.
If the results are still negative I can pass on the Support ticket of the reply you received to community manager to have this checked 🙂