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Didn't recieved my boosters.

I won two events and didn't get my boosters!! The first one was being on the top of the ladder, and the second one was winning the badge for the 3rd time. Cleared my cache, and refreshed the computer, nothing, no boosters!! I spent the last two days trying to get those and didn't receive anything :( What is the point of spending all those time in the game if we are not gonna get what was promised?


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Welcome to Soda Community @Denise113313

    I am sorry to hear you didn’t receive your rewards. Please contact King Player Support as the Community is unable to send rewards.

    If you happen to play on a mobile device or Windows app, you can contact directly from your device:

    • click on the blue gear
    • click on technical and connection issues
    • click on thanks for reaching out to us
    • click on contact us
    • fill in the form; select topic events or features issues, subtopic I didn’t receive my rewards

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