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  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,844


    22:46 It appears.thx.

  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,844


    Thank you for your hard work and the studio staff. The problem has been solved. Thank you very much.


  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    I hope the idea I wrote in Winter Cup thread will be considered by the Studio. If they develop and implement that, I believe it will solve this problem and will make it a fair competition. 🀞

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,854

    There are too many glitch and "test" in this game and in CCS. I think it won't be fair as long as those glitch and "test" problem not solved. For example, I'm not having the reward pass while the other players have it.

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    Hi @teeweiping πŸ™‚

    What you are inferring is entirely a separate matter. One is not dependent on the other. The fairness in my suggestion is for everyone to have the same start point so the player's level will not play a part in it. Currently, those at the end of theirs maps are clearly of a disadvantage for one has no where to go. How can one continue to participate if there are not enough levels to play on.

    The glitch that you mentioned is not an anomaly in any game. How is this being unfair if each one can experience it one way or another?

    I don't understand what you mean by "test" as a problem. How is this a problem?

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,854

    As long as glitch exists, the one who qualified in tournament can be disqualified.

    I don't have Reward Pass but the others who compete with me have Reward Pass, do you think this is the same start point?

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    @teeweiping We're talking about apples and oranges. We're not in the same wavelength.

    Okay πŸ˜‚ let me see if I can explain it. Please don't cut my head off for I have nothing to do with what's going on with Kings' games. πŸ˜‚

    A glitch can happen in any game. This is not uncommon at all. There are various reasons why this can happen. The key here is, it can be fixed.

    In terms of being disqualified in a tournament due to a glitch, depending on the discretion of the one hosting the tournament, this can also be remedied. For example, I qualified in the Eighth Final of the Winter Cup but I did not receive any confirmation and was entered in the Wildcard. LofiGummy and the Studio remedied this unfortunate incident by placing me back in the Eighth tournament without me playing in the Wildcard. I did not get disqualified.

    In terms of the Reward Pass. I'm sorry you didn't get one but this and other side games have nothing to do with the "start point" I'm talking about. You might not have a Reward Pass but others might not have the Bake the Cake or Kimmy's Arcade or Shipmates. Activities that provide free boosters or life. Are you really at a disadvantage with other players? This is unfortunate but others in your leaderboard might be experiencing the same as you. You'll never know.

    The Start Point that I'm referring to is a level to be chosen by the Studio that every player should start with. Everyone participating should begin at the same level. This is the fairness that I'm talking about.

    Whew πŸ™ƒ I'm beat with all this explaining. 🀣

  • Ibnana
    Ibnana Posts: 4,023

    does anyone know if there's a 13000 level badge yet?

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,659


    Retyped a comment to reply to your comment 4 times but it did not appear 😑

    I wanted to say what a wonderful friend you are β™₯️

    How about we fly a plane and land here? 😁

    Maybe our comments won't disappear 😏

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,854

    Hi @SApple2 Firstly I'm apologies for troubling you. I'm a mental illness person and may not understand or explain correctly.

    Second, for the glitch. there are many kind of glitch but not all can be solved, and now we talk about the tournament. Steventseng have said to me his game in surf cup (tournament in past) just disapppear like that and nobody can help.

    Third, the Reward Pass. I'm not talking about others in tournament who I don't know but my friend like you, amoonmoon, jonh10, Steventseng huynhduc and etc. Huynhduc compete with me before and he has everything. For me, Reward pass is everything as it compulsory give us free booster as long as we play old or new level. But it's different with other side games please. Other side games you need to win the cake level, win your opponent, have a good team and etc. It's not compulsory gives us free booster. Kimmy arcade you need to win the mini game also and I always can't get as much free booster as Reward Pass. I'm also can't get what I want, but it's listed in Reward Pass...

    Lastly, I know what start point you are saying. What I want to say in simple is: no game will give you what you wish for free. You may think that this is unfair, but they just want make more players purchases. Every game is like that, they just want to make money. Agree?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?