🎉 Emoji Party Train Game! 🚂
🌈 Ready to add a splash of fun to your day? Let's play the emoji chain game! 🥤
Here's how it works:
- I'll start by posting an emoji.
- You then post an emoji in reaction to the previous one that it makes you think of!
Your emoji could be a feeling, an action, or anything that comes to mind when seeing the previous emoji! Let's see how long and creative we can make this chain. Let's see an example:
- Person 1: 🐻 (It's a bear!)
- Person 2: 🤗 (A hug, because bears are huggable!)
- Person 3: 👵 (A mom, because I got hugs by my mom!)
And so it continues!
Ready to blast off?
I'll start with: 🚀
Do you think we can get some Soda players on-board with this idea? @Pitty_Kitty & @Yosca 🫣
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Tag doesn’t work 😭
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Join the emoji chain players! 😜
Still not working 😢
@_Elsa_@200mimis@actipton80@Adav@Aidenliam02@ALIXKATERINE@amingy@Amoonmoon@Anahita_2005@Andres-2@bearwithme@Beth_Mc_Hugh@BlueberryCupcake@Boybinary@BQN537@Brett_Hancock@Cagnes@Candycrush26@candycrushinit@CassD@Cathiecc2111@Chakra@chris2125@Courtney1990@dabobster@Dama_Baker@Debbie32@deblg@DeepshikhaSharan@DieOmimi@EnergizerBunny@EOTheGr8@EweNaNa@Fonda_Smith@GeileTortenBerlin@Glenn1972@Goldenswordz@gordan10@GrammaGaming@greddycandy@Gumyupawpaw@Hell66@huynhduc@Ibnana@Iffu2@irene46@istuff@jayteedy@Jelly_bean_hearts@jimijimcat@jk14@johamilton@Johan_DelaCena@JONH10@JoyAquino@juan0420@KCullen127@Kerrie@keshavrf@kiara_wael@Kiki_g@KingsDaughter14@KingShuvo@LadyGaivman@Lady_Sarina@La Ley@LeFlarcane@Lemurtek@LuciLu8@maf34100@Magnolia4@MaineMom218@marebear1264@McKell425@me6412@MiladyR@moe75@Moh1977@MollyS@Mommabear1269@MountainMom@msg4869@msgraca@Mxmx@Nadia1770@namal_butt_01@NatalieG@ndd_2023@nekocat@nguyenanhduy1591999@Nikolaos_Prodromidis@Orangemoon@Palash_Sarma@PattyMan@PaulaB1@paul5473@penken@Pitty_Kitty@praiselove@Princess_Jessica@princesstina723@PummyRaj@Purplelife_50@Racoon7@rebelchild@RNKmac@Roary2020@rodkaspar@Sabrina_Spellman@SabrinaM@SApple2@shafer223@Shagunpro@Sheila_Rising@Shina04@showyou@simplyP@siti_payung@Spinnifix@stacey0909@SteelWolf@steventseng@Sukanta_Biswas@susieq1166@suzekit@swabby@Tamara73@Tanu_chauhan_1001@Tasty_Cake@teasir@teeweiping@Terri_1@Tessie1986@ThiagoOfficial@Thmo@tininha1975@tokasa13@Tracy_Lane@Tzvi_Marcu@upperlevel@VickMtz@viviana1@vonkizh@Werner_Cichy@Xxander@Yorben_Goeree2 -
@Yosca @Pitty_Kitty @LoFiGummy I fell upon this just so you know I did not get tagged but I . Love emojis
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I was trying to figure out what I had missed since TTuesday ..iI've been in the hoshospital and iI'm hostile about my community chattext…support says they are aware but have no solution whoa is me
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Probably all weren't notified. Tagging lists don't work at the moment 🤷♀️
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Hope you're feeling better now @Ibnana 🙂
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doing better..not great but ok.back in next week for a few days or they'll come looking for me 😆
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That would explain why I'm not getting any lol thanks for the heads up. 🦧