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No reward for 3 weekly badges

Yvonnejf Posts: 1

Level 1

This is the second time I collected 3 badges in a row and no reward has been given. What can I do?


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello @Yvonnejf and welcome to Soda community!

    Is it possible you're winning new levels on more than one device during this 3 weeks period?

    The Weekly Contest event doesn't work well if multiple devices are used; badges don't get registered properly. King advises to play new levels on one device only during these 3 weeks.

    For the missing reward, I advise to contact King Player Support to report it and ask for compensation

    • How to contact King Player Support from Soda app in mobile devices and Windows 10, 11 computers: launch soda app - visit settings (gear icon)- click "?" Icon- select any topic and subtopic- scroll down the page and click "contact us". Select topic "events or features issues", select subtopic "I didn't receive my reward". Fill in the form and send.

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