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Booster that I don't know to use

I have a booster (see in the pictures) it comes a few week ago and don't know the name and how to use it. In the picture it is the lowest in the boosters and quantity 10 Can someone give some help with it?


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @Tzvi_Marcu

    It is called the Shuffler:

    When you use it, the candies on your gameboard will be shuffled into a new layout. Click on the booster then click any place on your board. The candies on your game board will be shuffled and moved, except for your boosters.

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @Yosca Tank you I will try it next time

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