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(Finished) Audio Quiz - Guess the CHARACTER and win Rewards! 🔊🎶

AudioTeam Posts: 41
edited February 13 in Discussions

Dundundunnnn! Guess who's back!? You're right, its us, the Audio Team! 🔊🎶

This time we're stepping it up and challenging you Soda fans to something special. Get ready for this one, as we took some time to put this together for you.

Below is a video, 👀 watch it with the 🔊 audio turned on, and then answer the questions to have a chance to get some Sodalicious rewards!

❓The helicopter man (voiced by Candy Man) is chasing the climber, which character is voicing the climber?❓

  • A: Mr. Toffee 🍬
  • B: Yeti ❄️
  • C: Nutcracker 🌰

This one will raise the stakes, so 10 players who guess correctly will be randomly drawn not only to get 5 Gold Bars, but also x5 Color Bombs, x5 Coloring Candy AND x5 Striped Candy boosters!

But wait, we're not done yet! We have an EXTRA question for you! Answer this question as well, and 3 players who guesses correctly will be randomly drawn to receive x3 Supersonic Lolly boosters!

What MOVIE is the video from?

  • A: Rocky
  • B: Escape Plan
  • C: Rambo

📅 Contest Dates

  • Start: Monday 27th of January
  • End: Sunday 2nd of February
  • Results: Monday 3rd of February

Now leave your responses in the comments, and let's see who takes the prize!



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