When will Mr. Toffee's Fair glitches be repaired?
Several things regarding Mr. Toffee's Fair.
- I am stuck on completing a task because it is NOT registering the task. Right now I am supposed to make 4 color bombs, I have done this several times but it will only register 3. I have left the game and come back, I have rebooted and entered again...nothing works. Eventually it will let me complete but sometimes it takes days. This needs fixing.
- Some people will click on a task and let it sit there for days. You either have to go a different direction or wait for them. There should be a time limit on inactivity and the space cleared for other players.
@MinnieD Hi and welcome, please check your app is up to date and log out and restart your device, then log back in also if you are playing via an internet browser please clear you cache / history. See if you get any improvement
There are a few issues in the game at present the game team are working on, but we have no idea on a time frame for these
Hope this helps
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We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Soda Saga forum.
Can you show me a screenshot of the problem related to Toffee Fair then I can explain the reason of your problem.
Thank you.
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I have been doing all of that. Logging in and out, rebooting, clearing cache, etc. Did it a few times and it's still not updating the task. All a picture/screen shot will show is 3 of 4 Color Bombs. I have gotten more than 4 and it's still saying only 3. This is not the first time this has happened.
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Hii welcome to the king community
Our superstar will help you to get rid of ur problem..please be patience with us.
Thank you
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I just passed a hard level and it did not tic my tile.... this happens more times than not. Very frustrating. Come on King.... please fix these glitches.
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Hello @MinnieD and @raidthewind - I wish you both a very warm welcome to this Sodalicious Community. I am sorry you are having this problem with Mr. Toffee's Fair.
As far as the color bombs are concerned - I have found that it will only count those color bombs I have specifically created, not those that happen on their own (thru a cascade etc.).
Regarding having a time limit is concerned - that is a very good idea. I suggest you submit it as a new Idea in the Ideas section (once you are level 3).
However not getting credit for passing a hard level is an outright glitch. I have heard there might be a few issues with the game and Mr. Toffee's Fair may be one of them. Hopefully it is just a random glitch or if it is a bigger problem, then hopefully it will get fixed soon.
Hang in there and keep having fun playing the game. 😊
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Mr Toffee is on a constant glitch...... I'm supposed to collect 15 wrapped candies which is not counting effectively........ been on it for a full day, now made about 40 of them and it's still stuck on 14..... It seems like it counts only every 10th one .
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The game is still not always counting the items needed and it's frustrating, especially when you are on a hard level and it's not set up to get the items you need without some luck. I have found that when I first start back on the game after signing out, that if I go and actually click on the item I'm working on and then go play the game it will count. That is after I play one game and click out to get Mr Toffee to show himself. It doesn't come up until I do this. It is getting worse...the glitches.
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hi dear
It may be a random glitch
Sorry to hear about your Problem
Try these 3 steps-
✓Update your Game To Latest Version
✓Check your internet connection. If it's slow, Try switching to Wi-Fi.
✓If any of the above methods doesn't works, go in your phone's Settings and Press the following-
Settings>Apps/Application Manager/Apps & Notifications>Apps info/Apps>Candy Crush Soda Saga>Clear Cache/Storage>Clear Cache
I hope this helps. Have A Nice Day.
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We don't know when the studio will have it fix. I have no issue with toffee's fair on my device. I don't know what I would do if I have problem. It is the only feature I have. No BGH. No Kimmy's arcade. No team. Just toffee's fair. I hope the studio will fix the glitches soon. Happy Crushing!