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Losing when you have one thing left to get on a level!!

Kdubb Posts: 5

Level 2

Don’t you guys hate when ur so close to winning and your on the last TWO moves and you dnt have the right combination to win and no boosters to help!! Worse feeling in the world 🤣🤣


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Yes @Kdubb I know that feeling 😖. I am always searching desperately for the last right combination haha. But unfortunately, that often doesn't work and very sometimes you are lucky and everything falls exactly as it should be.

  • Kdubb
    Kdubb Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Yes very rarely I get lucky but be so happy when I do especially when I been working on beating the level for so long 🤣🤣

  • It happens all the time to me @Kdubb , I get so aggravated , I will study each possible scenario, make the move and there is still one item left. And, then there's the ones, when you have the booster you need but no way to get to it. 😞😡😞 After my anger has eased, I go to a different game. I still have to try to beat that level and try my hardest not to throw my phone or laptop. 😂😱😂

    Have a GREAT day!!🤗😍🤗

  • Hi @Kdubb @crabapple @Yosca,

    Think I am going to start calling this, "How Not To Lose In Soda". (hehe)

    Like I tell all the players, forget levels, go get as many "Boosters" as you can first. So you are prepared for these higher levels. If you are not on a "Soda Squad Team" yet, & have the app in your device. Then should join a "Private" team. Has up to 12 players on it, that can win 3 Chests, over & over again. Only the "Admin" of a "Private" team can approve you to join.

    See my posts at:

    Has the info you need, to join a team.

    Finally, see my posts at:

    • Part 1 - *Introduction to "Supersonic Lolly"!
    • Part 2 - *The Sprinkleshell Levels & The Sprinkleshell Advantage!
    • Part 3 - *Recommendations!

    It is multifunctional, let's you do everything in the game, & build up your "Booster Count".

    • Sprinkleshell - The Most Powerful Ally In Soda - Candy Crush Soda Saga

    *References For Players

    • King Community - Search Bar *Above, & also 3 icons to the left of your avatar.
    • YouTube Videos
    • Google - Blogs, Posts, Archives, Videos, etc...
    • Wiki / Fandom

    The above references will help you on studying the game. Have to know what you are facing, or going up against. Know the "Blockers", "Blast Radius Of Each Of The Candy Combos", what the "Boosters Do", how to use them effectively, etc...

    This should get you started. Now you are prepared on whatever the game throws at you. You shouldn't be going into levels with no "Boosters", going to need them in "Soda", as you go to the higher levels.

    Hope this helps.

    Cyas & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀


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