🏂 ⛄️ Winter Games Win Gold Bars with the 1st Competition! (ENDED)
Hey @Origins7_Dale , first of all let me just say i am not being offensive or anything. This is just an opinion, but isnt requesting @LadyRaffie to accept your score for day one unfair given the competitive nature of this contest. I know players can miss a day of posting because of very valid reasons but imagine if everyone misses a day and comes to request for their scores to be accepted because of one thing or another. It is unfortunate you missed posting your score because of health reasons but in my opinion this is a competition🤷 if ladyraffie accepts your score then she should also accept other players score whenever they miss if they have a good enough reason. Will you stop a race because an athlete was injured and missed the race and add extra time to that player?
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I do agree with you on this @Greymane i have my stuff going on in my life as well, but i wouldn't ask for change of rules just because it doesn't suit my routine. So i'm sincerely posting my scores everyday. I may miss posting a score in the future though, would a proxy for that be acceptable as well?? I really hope fairness stays!
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❄️ Here is my score/screenshot for Day #6
- Team Supersonic Auroras ---> @Anahita_2005, @DeepshikhaSharan & @frenioz00
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Feeling nationalistic today. Day 6
Switched to w10 actually, in search of some inspiration and luck
I'm low-key annoyed by my past
selfio's score. 🤣~soda trio~
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Total Supersonic Auroras Score is TOTAL TEAM ---> 8,098,460
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Do you think I missed something? I haven't seen so many scores for that sum.
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Maximum possible till now is 9 Mil.. We are 1 Mil. behind!
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Hello everyone!
Let me see if I can answer all your questions from the 36 pages (phewwww well done guys! ! )
@Origins7_Dale @aijaziqbal and @NamTruong2001 regarding your Time Extensions.
I have given it a lot of thought. As some players pointed out it might not be fair to let you guys include your missing scores. But it is also true that there was a lot of confusion on the first day about the what's and when's. Since the missing scores are correspondent with Day1, I will accept your request for an exception this time and only because of that. So please include the scores of day 1 in your team's score
@Origins7_Dale please take care of yourself!!
As @Yosca mentions, this is a competition and it's supposed to be fun. I know you guys are very competitive, but for me what matters the most is the camaraderie I see: @frenioz00 was willing to post the clock for every day, @Marriam1 decides to step up and be her deputy, @bekicrusher cracks all of us with laughs with her comments, and much more that I see over these 36 pages. That's what the Games are: All together participating and celebrating that we are united by the love of this game.
And that is my takeaway from these 36 pages . Love you guys! Couldn't have a better Sodalicious Community 🤗
There are only a few days left, so c'mon guys! You can do it!💪
I promise the next competition is less exhausting ☺️