🥳 Soda 10th Anniversary Season is here!
🏆 Soda Cup is back, with the biggest prize yet!
📝 Join the weekly Soda quiz for rewards!
🖼 Send a birthday card and get FREE wallpapers!
🏂 ⛄️ Winter Games Win Gold Bars with the 1st Competition! (ENDED)
Still waiting for the final scores for day 14 from my two wonderful teammates 💕 @KingChewy and @PummyRaj but here is where our team stands so far:
Day 1 - KC 416,400/PR 423,020/BWM 378,600
Day 2 - KC 379,800/PR 441,380/BWM 480,460
Day 3 - KC 351,040/PR 438,740/BWM 495,180
Day 4 - KC 360,460/PR 486,360/BWM 465,380
Day 5 - KC 358,080/PR 408,740/BWM 471,560
Day 6 - KC 270,300/PR 488,600/BWM 433,060
Day 7 - KC 203,800/PR 463,100/BWM 473,900
Total so far: 8,687,960
Day 8 - KC 245,320/PR 407,100/ BWM 463,320
Day 9 - KC 203,360/PR 463,960/BWM 424,800
Day 10 - KC 154,320/PR 424,080/BWM 471,080
Day 11 - KC 210,520/PR 452,820/BWM 472,220
Day 12 - KC 287,440/PR 400,660/BWM 424,600
Day 13 - KC 272,980/PR 434,540/BWM 499,860
Day 14 – KC 229,520/PR 480,740/BWM 485,680
BWM total for 14 days = 6,439,700
PR total for 14 days = 6,213,840
KC total for 14 days = 3,943,340
Final total = 16,596,880
(Thanks for the final math @PummyRaj 😊)
Again - I want to thank our fantastic team of 3 Sodas to the Wind! It doesn't matter that we didn't win, what's important is our friendship and camaraderie and that we did this together! You are the best and I truly appreciate this joint adventure that we embarked upon. I hope we will get to partner again in the future! 😍💖🍩🐨💕
I (unofficially ) thank all of you for wishing us.
And lol @ipete you know how it goes with archery; u just happen to get lucky sometimes after millions of attempts 🤣🤣🤣 so no i won't take all the credit for it! We did this as a team along with @headoperations. You both were great with the math, scores as well as sincerity.