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Very nice People, that there is a Frosty Event.
But to say the least, it is not very fair to offer it to some players, and shutting others out.
For players like me, the experience is as follows: first I get thrown out of the Toffee Fair challenges without ANY notice. I have to post in the community to find out, after first being told that my game was corrupted, that I was simply removed from the event.
Now I see why: it was to make room for the Frosty Event, that is not available for me. Excellent! What more can you do to chase your players away?
"We have a very nice new event, but YOU cannot play it. Sorry, :-)!"
Great job. Having a game where some players are more equal than others... exactly: Animal Farm. That must be where you get your inspiration! I get it.... well we all know how that story ended.
Are you kidding? Breaking your bank without paying? You must be joking, King is about business, there is no free lunch in King’s business. You can get gold bar by Playing BGH, but nit everybody gets BGH, you get 5 gold bars if you win the race in an episode. 3 gold bars if you come second in the race, one gold bar when you come 3rd. Soldier on mate!
I an very happy to trade my MTF to a Frosty Event or BGH which I don’t have. What is so good about MTF? So many players think you can only play one box a day, it usually takes me two days to finish a row or a column if I play on my own, but some players just occupy a space, blocking it without finishing the space, or just finish one space, won’t play the second box, thinking that is it. The new feature that you can “chat” to the other players is a joke, you can’t tell the players they can occupy two spaces in 24 hours. I would rather “chat “ to other players like
we do in the Soda Squad team.