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How do I make a complaint to King?

Agilitybits Posts: 12 Level 2

I'm elderly and I live alone in the UK. In this country, we are still in lockdown and only allowed out once a day. It can be incredibly lonely but I thought I'd pass the time playing Candy Crush Soda Saga. Yesterday evening I closed the computer down and must have accidentally closed the game. I opened it forty minutes later to find I'd been put back ten levels. I really can't go through all those levels again and so I have had to give up the game. Shame on you King for penalising people in these very difficult and challenging times. I won't be going back to the game and I imagine a lot of people feel the same. I would like to make a complaint to King but can't find any way of doing so.

Best Answers

  • Nix66
    Nix66 Posts: 19,877 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    You’re welcome @Agilitybits thanks for sharing and good luck!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,562 Soda Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Agilitybits I understand that you have followed Nix66's advice and created a King account. In addition to what you could do now is to sync your King and Facebook accounts so you can see your progress in both accounts. Follow the steps below:

    Are you connected to your game both in Facebook and with a King account? Want to sync the two? No problem! Here's how:

    • Go to this page: 
    • In the top-right corner, click "Log in" (If you are already logged in, it will say "Settings", in which case skip the next two steps)
    • Log in using your King account username and password
    • In the top-right corner, click "Settings"
    • Choose the option "Account", then down at the bottom select "Score and progression sync"
    • Select "Sync progress" and you will be asked to log in to your Facebook account.

    And that's it! Your progress will be synced across both your King and Facebook accounts.

    Please note: your progress and Gold Bars will be synced across all accounts and all signed-in devices, but other items like Boosters are stored on your device and are not synced. 

    I hope this helps 😊.



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