Need a Helping Hand? 💭
Got a game question or need help? This is the place to ask!
I have sent you a request in “Join a team”. I have also sent you a pm about letting me back in the team. My ID is 11756991362, Gumyupawpaw/Tang thank you.
Working as a team is better. I like how you're able to choose a team and not have to go through and pick your own. That really helps
Just made a team it's named kydaddi join my team ❤️😍
Heya guys. Fire and Ice is open for 4 new members. We are a team of 12!
Come join if you are an active player and just want to play for fun. We don't mind low or few points as long as you contribute some to the team. Once again, It’s always open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there!
Fire and Ice.
Teamcode: 295287565
PS: we are a quiet awesome team with active players 😘
Woohoo! Team Fire and Ice. Great team to be on. ~ Mike
I also sent a PM, I hope you will be back with us soon!
I am on a team but it is not very active. I have been playing for 84 days and I am on level 1331. Thanks for your consideration I.
Hi CM @LadyRaffie - Soda Moderators @Yosca @Nix66 & myself,
Hi *Soda Squad Team / *Soda Legends / *Admin: is Crushing Legend @Werner_Cichy - *Players are @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @giotaki @Gumyupawpaw @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @Sharon_Loose / Sharon, @Glenn1972 / gjhj, @cynthiac2929 / Cynthia, @tashanight3 / Tasha, & myself / Dale,
*See below please!
*Currently at *11 Players, leaves *1 Open Spot!
Suggestions, might want to ask your *Mom / Neena Sinha, @Crazyforfun. I remember you wanted her on the team, but our last *Admin didn't follow up on it. If she wants to come over, needs to *1st Leave Any Team She Is On Now, can only be a member of 1 Team. *Then send *Team Code listed below, along with a *Post here to our *New Admin / Crushing Legend @Werner_Cichy, with *Name she uses in the *CCSS / *Soda Game.
It makes it easier for our *Admin: *Werner to find her, with both her *Tag Name & *User Name in *Soda!
Only the *Admin of a *Private Team can *Approve Players to the team they started!
We have reformed our team. So now stronger & better than ever.
Team Name: Soda Legends
Team Code: 738166910
Use the *Search bar in *Teams Soda Squad App for *Team Code!
Admin: *Crushing Legend @Werner_Cichy
Only *Admin can *Approve Players on a *Privately Started *Soda Squad Team!
Can only be a member of 1 Team! *If on a *Team, must leave it, in order to join another Team!
Must have *Soda Squad App in *CCSS *Soda Game / *Device, in order to join a Team! Will say *Teams on the *App, on the opening page of *CCSS *Soda!
*12 Players Max. On *Soda Squad Teams!
@Werner_Cichy / Werner / *Admin
@Pitty_Kitty / Pitty
@Crazyforfun / Tulina
@giotaki / Panagiota
@Gumyupawpaw / Tang
@S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e / $_u_n_
@Sharon_Loose / Sharon
@Glenn1972 / gjhj
@Origins7_Dale / Dale
@cynthiac2929 / Cynthia
@tashanight3 / Tasha
*1st - Must have the *Soda Squad Team App in your *CCSS Soda Game / *Device. Or you cannot join a team. *Page 45 & *Page 41 give you many URLs on *Teams, including *Signing Up for the *Team App!
*If you have the *Team App, then *See my post on *Page 5 of this thread, has "Screenshots" on how to join up.
*So, here is the best way to join up, after reading *Page 5:
That should do it, for now. The *Newly Formed *Soda Legends Team, hopes to hear from you soon.
Take Care All - Origins7 Dale, 😀
4/17/2021 *Edited For *Updating On 5/1/2021!
Team crush shop...take anyone who wants to join my team I made the team n recruiting..if ur interested message me..candy crush soda saga is the app...
Hello and welcome to our friendly community
There are contributions to the team. Please go there and post it.
Many Thanks