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27th October- Temporary game issues
Hey everyone!
Issue update!
We are happy to announce that this issue has now been fixed and all games should be back to normal.
Thank you all for your patience during this time when we have been working on getting it resolved.
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I am now reconnected but have not received my Daily Bonus, how do you go about rectifying this???
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Hello @Cadge5 ,
In this case, I would advise you to contact support directly from the game 🤗
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Bonjour j’ais un souci de connextion Mon eouse à uncompte avec Facebook et moi un commpte avec king ais depuis ce mmatin les deuxcomptes sont melangé comment récupérer mon compte merci
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Bonjour et bienvenue sur la Communauté !
Veuillez noter que cet espace est uniquement en Anglais. Mais pas de problème ! L'un de nos Community Manager va déplacer votre commentaire afin de vous rediriger vers le Forum en Français.
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Salut @Passa39 Bienvenue dans la communauté 🤗Tu devrais pouvoir récupérer votre compte en s’assurant premièrement que tu es sorti de l’app ( log out) effacer cache et les cookies et fermer l’appareil pour 15 seconde et réouvrir l’appareil et l’app et reconnectez-vous ( log in) Vos niveaux devraient être de retour , sinon, laisser moi un message et svp utiliser mon nom @Nat09 pour faire certain que j’ai votre message 😉
Bonne journée 😊🐰
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@LadyRaffie,since yesterday Mr Toffee's fair, disappeared from my game. I wonder if this has to do with this connection problem? Or not? Can someone help me?
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I lost Mr T, but I GAINED 50 Gold bars!
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Thank you for the info. It helps to know that it's not something I may have caused. My husband is having a few simular things happening on his phone also. However he doesn't even play games/ download any games.
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I was unable to connect yesterday at this time, 5AM. This is the time of day I normally play. I had over 330 bonus prize days accumulated. I just reconnected now, 24 hours later, and I am back to day 1. Is there any way to get my bonus days back, as I logged in every day.