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How do I get my badge?
Welcome to the Community @jhink3933 Congratulations you have reached level 5000 👏🏻👏🏻
You can find all the badges in this thread (tap/click on the green words 😉) Find the several milestones badges. Tap/click on it, and post your screenshot there.
Since you are here, we would like to know some more about you 🤗. You can introduce yourself here and meet other players. (You can click/tap on the green words) Check out some fun stuff in the Soda Community 😁 if you like to win some gold bars or Community badges —> you have to check this page: Fun Area! And don’t forget to check out our Sodaliciously Hot 🌶 news here If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to ask.
Have a Sodalicious day 😊
Congratulations on your 5000
Is the badge automatically applied. I sent my screenshot over a week ago and it still doesn't show in my game.