⚡️ Weekend Soda Challenge!🥤[CLOSED]
@Racoon7 - I love your avatar and thank you for your congratulations. I know Gummy and I will see you in our tier pretty soon.
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Thank you @KCullen127 I have a very long way to go to get to you guys. Only have the first win. Look forward to seeing you and @Gumyupawpaw in action. 😊
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Congratz @teresawallace44, welcome to the Hall of fame, good job! And what can I say @KCullen127, what can I say, you are a true master! Congratz! and.. all you doubters laughed at "The Plan" but it's working! At this rate TWO contenders, the amazing @KCullen127 and @Gumyupawpaw will have achieved heights unknown to us mere mortals, and that means I am that much closer to winning by default, only 225 years to go! Go plan!😁
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@Racoon7 - At least I know I am not competing with @simplyP anymore because he is a tough challenger in every contest we are competing. @Gumyupawpaw and I have a plan in place - Play for fun and try to get close to the challenge without any stress. I wish you the best of luck in your tier and I hope you will join @Gumyupawpaw and I soon.
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@Yosca - I scored the same score twice which I thought was impossible.
The score I achieved was from Level 26 and the screen below was achieved sometime last year.
This was the screen, I achieved for this challenge
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Wow Congrats dear KC @KCullen127 for winning the Super Champion Badge
and @teresawallace44 Soda Hall of Fame
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Holy Batcave! I tried about 100 times on Level 26 and I got scores of 600,00+, scores of 2000,00+ but only one score in the 300,00 range and it was lame, and you got that score twice! I'm awestruck! 🤩
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@Lemurtek - Level 26 was a very high score level and my score ranges from 100,000 to 1,000,000. I told a few contestants that I have a score with a 20 points difference on this level the day the competition started. When I hit that target, I was a little hesitant to post my score because nobody would believe it is possible to get the same score twice on the same level.
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@KCullen127 - I know that you're an honest player and would never post an old screenshot. It was great when you got the same score again - wish I could have got it even once!
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@KCullen127 , I believe you right from the start, not only because I know you are an honest person, but also because I had scored the same score twice, like I told the mod I myself scored 100,000 twice. But from different levels though. It is possible that you score the same in the level level, more so too.