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Level 2
Has anyone else emailed customer service about missing the rewards for completing Kimmy‘s fishing challenge as number one? I had over 1000 fish and was at the very top when the challange completed and received nothing.
I just finished emailing customer service back-and-forth back-and-forth, and they’ve decided that they’re going to stop responding since “they can reach no resolution and cannot compensate for free earned game items.” I played this challenge and purchased many of the packages they offer with REAL money, and King has decided not to make things up to folks who didn’t get their challenge rewards??? What kind if customer support is this? Is anyone else experiencing this?
Hello @dija70 and welcome to Soda community 🤗
This problem has been reported. The Game Studio said the problem is currently under investigation and players will be manually compensated in-game after the event ends.
Here in the community players who had this issue in round 1 posted screenshots of the compesation sent after it ended so I have no reason to doubt the same thing will happen after the final round ends.🤔
This is what we know so far. I'm sorry for the inconvenience
I was not given any compensation for round one. Unless I am confused. The fishing event that ended a few days ago. Was that already compensated?
Hello @dija70
Round 1 happened 2 weeks ago. There are 3 rounds and we're currently in the third and last one. I don't know if compensations were sent for round 2 (last week) too, or if they're sent only once to players. the Game Studio released only this update this week. It's possible they've decided to wait for the end of the event to send compensations.
When this final round ends you should see compensations in your game. If you don't get them please let me I know so I can inform community manager.
Thank you
I will keep you updated. Thank you so much!
Hi, unfortunately I did not get Kimmy‘s rewards for this round or the previous round either!
Hello @dija70
Ok. Did you check the game today as well to see if something appeared? The gold bars for the winners were sent a few hours ago
I've checked. Still did not receive anything. :(
thank you for checking @dija70
In this case I'll notify the community manager. Please tell your game user ID so your game account can be located by Player Support.
To find this number, open Soda app, visit your profile settings and click twice the King logo on top. The logo will be replaced by a number. More info here
Thank you!
It is 962877124
Hello @dija70
So I heard back from community manager. She says you should try again to contact Player Support and ask for a refund again.
I know you've said you've already tried and it wasn't successful (I forwarded your initial message to CM) but I was told this was probably due to technical problems Player Support was experiencing around the time you contacted them. The situation should be back to normal and they should answer you now.
Let me know how it goes this time.
Thank you for your patience. I really hope you manage to receive your compensation