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I was always very quiet and shy and lacked confidence until I met my husband, who gave me lots of encouragement to change. I shall be forever grateful to him.
I level up when I become a mother... Anything for my baby🥰🥰🥰
I started working at a very young age and always dreamed of retirement at 45 after years of building several companies and all turned out quite sucsessful I was able to "Level up" at 44 and retire as I have been happily retired for quite some time now, never looked back!!!
Level up in my life was the birth of my son....nothing can compare to this no game no level, no money and no anything else....
Thank you for the tag @Diamond Lim
Leveling up in every game I played is tough without the help of boosters or GBs. I am doing my best with the limited resources available to me. Though I am stuck in certain levels for a while, I will not concede defeat because it is not my nature to give up so easily. I believe one of us is going to give up eventually and it will not be me.
Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim
When I was going to be an uncle he made me very happy and I love my nephew a lot.
Happy Womens Month
Everyday I try to level up to be a better person, mother, employee etc.
Becoming management was a level up
When I retired I committed to levelling up and getting more physically active and it feels great to walk everyday ☺️
@LadyRaffie thank you for this great topic. @Diamond Lim thanks for the tag.
Tell us about a time you leveled you in life...
I could thing of several instances when I level up in life, one being caring for my mother. For eight years I became the mother and my mom my daughter. It's the greatest feeling to know you gave your parent the best quality of life possible until their last day on this earth.
@LadyRaffie thanks for the badge! @Diamond Lim thanks for the tag
I level up every day. Either in my games or in figuring out how to get over the hurdles of life