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level 615

Persa_Zlatevski Posts: 5 Level 2

Its so obvious that this level  615 soda saga was set up to be impossible to finish without using a bunch of power ups and extra moves ... has anyone been able to do it without ????


  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2

    I don't think any of the levels require boosters to pass, I'm sure that's part of King's gaming. Of course that doesn't mean that using them won't help us. This level can be beaten as this player proves here:

  • Persa_Zlatevski
    Persa_Zlatevski Posts: 5 Level 2

    Well I have played it 300 times & have not even came close to finishing it I have over 1600 fiends playing soda & not 1 has passed it I am sure there is few boards that can be finish & good luck in getting them most of my boards mix every few moves for lack of moves , I play the game because I love a challenge & or problem solving but I am intelligent enough to know when something is impossible to solve

  • Sniperschool
    Sniperschool Posts: 7 Level 2

    You're absolutely right. This level is impossible. Someone at King needs to realise that basically banging your head against a brick wall and getting nowhere near finishing the level is NOT fun or challenging. It's annoying and makes people sick of playing. This level is a huge mistake, and I'm sorry, but it absolutely is not possible without boosters, or a miraculous slice of luck.

  • Persa_Zlatevski
    Persa_Zlatevski Posts: 5 Level 2

    I got lucky after I played it for about 500 + times now I am stuck on the next hard level which is just as bad

  • Cheryl_Strince
    Cheryl_Strince Posts: 1 Newbie

    I've enjoyed this game for a while.  This level is ridiculous. Time to move on and get a real hobby.  Thanks King!

  • Persa_Zlatevski
    Persa_Zlatevski Posts: 5 Level 2

    Its obvious a bunch of levels are set up as to be impossible to pass without shelling out real cash, they will loose a whole bunch of customers if they dont adjust their strategy hope they wake up sooner rather then later the mobile players can earm some busters not so for FB players

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