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Daily rewards please!... the wonderball is worthless!!... besides the game working sooo slow, what am i gonna do wth 5 mins of a strip candy??.. nothing!
Ive had the regular daily reward since i downloaded candy soda when it came out in 2014.. more than 7 years later n now it changes...im extremely bored with this game now, when i was in love with it before, couldn't wait to play, everyday i log in for years now, level 5500,460 daily rewards n this is what us loyal players get 5 mins of rewards!.. i know like 10 people who deleted this game already cause there bored with no help from the daily reward!.i had no complaints before this but just the game being slow, who wants 5 mins compared to 2 hours??... i miss the double fish so much..please listen king to soooo many complaints n bring back the regular daily reward!.. that's what the king community is for,for king to fix the problems n keep the players happy..
Regular daily boosters please, please change it back...so many people who aren't on this forum who don't like it... everyone has made it clear that they want thr regular daily boosters back..make this game fun again!
I'm am sooooooo bored with *Edited by CM:rude* game now.
Either change it back or you will lose alot of players and of course alot of money.
Some guy sitting somewhere who probably hasn't even played the game decides to change it
Sort yourselves out King
Don't insult us with this complete garbage.
At least let us pick who wants the wonderball n who wants the regular daily bonus... 2 hours is so much more helpful than 5 or 10 mins..its not rocket science to fix this problem...
Come on king, change it back!
Or let people pick which one they want..
This game is just soooooo boring anymore without any help.
I voted for Daily Wonderballs! ๐
I saw for this Bonus rewards can possible give you for the rewards of in-game boosters ( 2 x Lollipop hammer) for previous month.
Daily regular boosters โ๏ธ
Adunka Forian
Great idea let us choose what we want because we are not gonna please everyone.
Goodness only knows why they had to change it and how long is it gonna take till they come to a decision.
The game is one long boring waste of time.
The balls are living up to their name because I WONDER everyday why they changed it.
*Edited by CM: rude*
Solidarity Elleni.
Wonderballs ๐