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Fish Tournament - wrong calculation

Katherine_Ng Posts: 1 Newbie

In the recent fish tournament as dated 21st Jun'16 (1 day tournament).. I managed to get approx. more that 2300 fishes.. as the 2nd place is approx. more that 2000 fishes.. but why was I rewarded as in the 2nd place prize. Furthermore, the icon have always on the error mode.


  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398 Level 5

    Hiย Katherine!

    I saw on another thread that the tournament first closes after all players in the tournament has finished playing. If someone beats your score then you'll be in 2nd place.

    Not sure which error you've had for the icon. Could you please post a screenshot?

    Cheers :-)

  • Jenny_Green-3
    Jenny_Green-3 Posts: 19 Level 2

    I'm sorry...I don't think it was a wrong calculation. I won the tournament on the 21st with 3692. (Roughly). I come in about 3 hours before the tournament closes and make a slow but steady push for 1st. If I'm not at least 800 to 1000 ahead, someone will beat me before it ends. I'm not trying to upset anyone...i'm just OCD when it comes to winning. Lol. Good luck next time .ย 

  • Jenny_Green-3
    Jenny_Green-3 Posts: 19 Level 2

    I'm sorry. I won the one on the 21st with 3692 fish. I come in at the end and make a slow steady push for 1st place. I'm a little OCD about winning. Lol. Anyway, there are people who will try to compete with me at the final hour and that likely has pushed you farther back on the leader board.ย 

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