Too challenging.

Level 3
Please King. Level 1424, just not enough purple candies to get through this one, Spent 3 solid days on it and after using endless boosters and extra moves, completed. You seem to put blockers in and not enough moves to clear them, some need 6 hits!!! then underneath there is licorice....... Does anyone actually test these levels before they are released? every time a new Episode comes out, we have this issue, we have to throw everything we have to pass them. I am now in despair. I have stopped playing Jelly saga because of this reason, Soda is the next one to go, very soon unless these are more thought out before releasing. I am now on 1426, same thing, but now no boosters to help. so looks as if I am stuck here.. where is the fun in that?? Please King, make them passable, with the help of the odd lollipop... I feel for the PC users, they have no chance of getting through these.
Todo meu apoio Anna,eu concordo com você.Realmente eu só venho passando esses níveis com suas dicas e porque uso muito meus boosters .Caso contrário estaria presa em algum lugar distante.Sao raros os níveis que não uso boosters,e sei que quem joga no PC não tem essas ajudas diários.E por tudo isso que peço que Rei faça alguma coisa antes que todos os meus amigos dessitam pois vários desistiram de Jelly outros de soda.Obrigada espero que nós escute .
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This new episode is impossible to pass most of the levels without the help of boosters on Soda, takes the fun out of it for sure, I also to not play Jelly that much for the same reason, please King be fair to us and make the games fun again.
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It's so hard to pass so many levels. Boosters are hard to come by because we need to win to receive. It's get so frustrating that sometimes I just stop playing. It's just no fun...