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Are you ever going to fix this game ?

Sharon363 Posts: 6

Level 2

I haven't had the option to choose between all friends & soda friends for 5 months now.


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,850

    Hello @Sharon363 Welcome to Soda Community

    Could you elaborate a little more on what you mean? Do you mean you can't add Soda friends yourself? Or you can't send lives to certain friends?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Brenda_Brown
    Brenda_Brown Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Finding it very hard to earn bonuses. I've gone from 20+ wins per week to 5-8 since November 2022.

    There has been no 4 in a row, "play on" 3 bonuse, or free hard level offers for weeks.

    Little chance to advance in those events that require winning stars, i.e., Soda Race, Rescue Buddies, match fish, treasure hunts.

    The team cake takes 1-2 days to return and get messages that time is running out when there is no cake.

    Have been playing since 2014 and play often during the day.  Most of the above have been going on since November of last year .The fun has gone out of the game, and I will probably just quit playing King games altogether, 

  • isa1958
    isa1958 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    La semaine du 23 au 29 janvier, j'étais à la 2ème place du concours de la semaine avec 26 points d'avance sur le 3ème et environ 40 points d'avance sur le 4ème, résultat: je n'ai gagné ni le 2ème prix ni le 3ème prix, et cela arrive souvent...

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