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Cheating by Manipulating King Software

Petunia2253 Posts: 12

Level 1

I like to play Candy Crush Saga.  There is a contest over the weekend about Dexter the Whale that starts Thursday evening.  The goal is to create as many striped candys as possible before the Monday deadline. 

For every striped candy created according to the requirements, the contestant will receive 10 points.  Here is the problem:   Normally players will advance 50 to 200 points a game.  As a competitor, I like to keep track of my competition while I am Playing It has been my experience to see some players advance as much as 1500 over the SPAN OF AN HOUR. 

However, while I was watching, the leading player had about 2,000 points at midnight, but jumped to 28,000 points at 1 AM ... JUST 1 HOUR.  He is now at 30,000 points, and the next player is only around 2,000 points.  This means in one hour ... between 12 midnight and 1 AM today ... he created 2,600 striped candies.  That is IMPOSSIBLE.   It is also demoralizing to the other players, and they will be discouraged to participate in the future. 

I am reporting this because that person is not only obviously cheating, but he is manipulating King's software, which may be illegal.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Hi Petunia, 

    Thank you for posting on King care. I will indeed pass this on to our moderating team :)

  • Petunia2253
    Petunia2253 Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Thank you !

  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884

    Hi Petunia, 

    And thanks for reporting!

    Although it's not supported by us at all, unfortunately some players may resort to cheating. If players are using cheat engines of any sorts they might have further issues with their game which we won't provide any support for.

    If this player is your Facebook friend, by unfriending them you will drop them from your contest. Otherwise at this moment we unfortunately cannot remove these players manually from your contest. 

    If you reinstall the game on your Facebook account, you might get a new set of contestants but that's for the next time you have the contest running. If you have the competition running right now, we don't recommend reinstalling as you might lose your position. 

    Apologies for this! Hopefully we'll be able to look into this closer in the future. 


  • Petunia2253
    Petunia2253 Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for following up with my concern.

    Frequently, when someone cheats, they make blunders in common sense and logic, so it was easy to spot this.  Unfortunately, as you point out, it cannot be easily prevented.

    If it is possible, perhaps King might send him a message that they are aware of his cheating and it is having negative effects on the other players, along with a request to please stop.   From his photo, he seems to be someone who would have the decency to cooperate.  You could even include this comment, if it would help.

    Thanks again for your follow-up.

    Best wishes,


  • Petunia2253
    Petunia2253 Posts: 12

    Level 1

    I forgot to say I posted this in the wrong "department."   It should be Dexter Contest in the games of CC Saga, not Soda.  After I realized my mistake, I posted a comparable complaint in the Saga's In-Game Contest section.  You are the first moderator to respond.   I hope this did not create any confusion.

  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884

    Could you raise with with us here so our Customer Care Team can take a closer look: 

    Be sure to use the same email address connected to your Facebook account so that your account will be recognized without issues. 

    Thanks again :)


  • Petunia2253
    Petunia2253 Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Hi Jenny,

    Re" "raise with us"

     I would be happy to help you in any way I can.  How can I help you?  What do you need from me?

  • Petunia2253
    Petunia2253 Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Never mind.   Just looked at the link and answered my question.

    I will send you a note with my contact information and relevant details of my complaint. 


    Should it be to your attention?


    (ps) I have to go to work soon, so I will respond later.

  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884

    If the link doesn't open, try this:

    You can say exactly what you said here, the Customer Care Team may be able to take a closer look. 





  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884

    No need to continue here when you've received a reply to your message from the Customer Care Team. 


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?