Confirm button for using gold bars
Buena idea
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I've also had a screen pop up suddenly and spent gold bars on more moves that I had never intended to spend. This is a really sneaky and underhanded way to take bars from players!
Why do we get asked repeatedly if we want to quit, or leave a different page, but automatically lose gold bars unquestioned. Seems crooked to me.
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brilliant idea going to do that
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I have the same problem
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I love bars
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Yas good
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It doesn’t appear King has listened to our plea for a 2nd button to confirm buying or using gold!
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The number of times my cat has used my gold bars is frankly embarrassing.
I would like this, but I fear that it is in their best interest for us to mistakenly use our gold so we buy more.
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I agree with this 200 %. I waste more gold bars because of not having a confirm button than getting to pick when and where to use my gold bars that I have worked so hard to earn.