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Passing gift boxes and not getting rewards

Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407

Good evening all soda players!

There is an issue at the moment with some players reporting passing boxes and not being able to open/not gaining rewards. 

The studio team are aware of it and are working on a fix. They send apologies, there is no time scale yet of when they will have a fix in place, but ask that you keep checking your update store and of course watching posts like this. As soon as we know that it has been fixed, we will update you :)

You can also try troubleshooting which may help.




If you want to update here with some info on your devices that would also be helpful, please include

1. Has troubleshooting been done, if yes then what?

2. Game app version (device)

3. Make and model of device

4. OS system installed (both pc and devices)

5. Available storage on device (if mobile device)

6. Screenshot of error, is there an error message?

7. If using a browser (pc) then which browser and version.

Apologies again.

Best Answer

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    edited June 2018 Answer ✓


    Those that have lost Gift boxes, the game is working as intended, there is no issue. 

    The gift boxes are a fun feature treat, like an event, so they are meant to come and go and not be there all the time.

    If you previously had them all the time, that could very well be why they were not working properly as they were showing, but  you didn't get the rewards because the gift boxes were not actually active and shouldn't have been there.

    So it seems they have fixed that now, and that is why they have suddenly vanished on players :) 

    They will return and then vanish again from time to time.

    Feedback as always is welcome :)


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    edited June 2018 Answer ✓


    Those that have lost Gift boxes, the game is working as intended, there is no issue. 

    The gift boxes are a fun feature treat, like an event, so they are meant to come and go and not be there all the time.

    If you previously had them all the time, that could very well be why they were not working properly as they were showing, but  you didn't get the rewards because the gift boxes were not actually active and shouldn't have been there.

    So it seems they have fixed that now, and that is why they have suddenly vanished on players :) 

    They will return and then vanish again from time to time.

    Feedback as always is welcome :)

  • Barbara_Iles
    Barbara_Iles Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Have not been receiving rewards for some time now . My game froze and I had to delete and reinstall the game, now I have no rewards, 

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 279

    Thanks for your reply, but everything is up to date and all as it should be, I have sent multiple screenshots as requested to support to back up the fact I didn’t receive the 200 gold bars I earned.

    fingers crossed!

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