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πŸ‘₯πŸ’•New Friendship system- How to request Lives and Boosters?



  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    Hi @Yosca

    I also play Batula every time πŸ™‚ but today I used one life before finding Wonderball so I asked a life right away when it's 4 lives left as I used to do. I got help immediately but was not able to use it because I found Wonderball and received unlimited lives before it ran out. I guess I must not have the bug? I don't have a problem receiving life when I need it but I read that a lot of people are not able to receive lives or is it because the time I normally play is when my usual friends whose help enter my inbox are also playing or online? Do you think it's systematically assigned? I'm baffled with the discrepancy.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hi! I have no idea what causes the bugs and issues. We have indeed suggested whether it could be the reason that friends players have to be online at the same time to receive immediate help, but this doesn't seem to affect it.

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    Thanks @Yosca I guess there are things we don't need to understand. I'm also not a Tech, πŸ˜„ just an observer. Hopefully the next update will fix everything. In the meantime let's keep Batula busy and running. πŸ˜‚

  • ktate
    ktate Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I totally agree. Now with the new booster and lives you can only get 1 extra life at a time. I usually have quite a few so I can keep playing. Now it’s only 1 extra turn. I don’t like it at all

  • FluffyDinosaur
    FluffyDinosaur Posts: 2,542
    edited August 2023

    Hello there, @cgc100x

    I'm really sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with the lives and boosters. It's definitely not the sweet gaming experience we aim for you to have!

    As you mentioned, you're sending lives and boosters to your friends daily, but aren't receiving any in return. That does sound frustrating and it's certainly not the way the system is intended to work.

    Please know that we are here to help and we take your feedback seriously. I will report this issue directly to our team, as we want to ensure our players are having a fun and fair experience.

    In the meantime, check out our thread here where you can find more friends in the Community. Perhaps you can work together to respond to each other requests to ensure you get all the lives you need?😁

    I appreciate your patience and understanding while we work on this!

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    I fully understand the frustration people are having because of the new change in getting lives. We were told in numerous posts that they are doing what they can to fix this problem. In the meantime there are plenty of ways in acquiring unlimited lives.

    1.) Wonderball - you just need to be prepared to win the 13 levels by making sure you have enough boosters/hammers and at least 1 Supersonics for the hardest level. You can accumulate these through Bake the Cake, 4 in a Row, Shipmates, requests in Social-Hub and Reward Pass. Batula gives minimum of 4 hours of life.

    2.) Shipmates - it usually gives at least an hour of unlimited lives, sometime more.

    3.) 4 in a Row - sometimes it gives an hour of life.

    4.) Reward Pass - few minutes of life here and there.

    5.) Weekly Contest - if you get to number 1, you'll also get a chance to get unlimited lives

    6.) Daily Bonus - you get 30 minutes of lives daily. This will give you a start to get Wonderball.

    7.) Kimmyj's Candy Hunt - if you win it you'll also get a chance to get unlimited lives.

    I just finished playing, see how many hours of life I accumulated. Batula can sometimes gives generous lives. In this case, I received 15 hours for 2 sets of finding Wonderball plus my left over. So it's possible to never run out of lives if you choose to but of course in reality we can't play all the time, some only on our free time. Please hang in there and enjoy is too short to even allow yourself to get frustrated just because of a game. Peace πŸ™‚

  • amylin077
    amylin077 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    I receive and send out about 80 requests for lives from friends. But I only receive one life per day.

  • usc
    usc Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    I’m not a fan of the time limit to use lives. I’m forever giving lives and boosters but I never get a chance to use my lives as they keep disappearing. This new update is extremely frustrating!

  • lozziepops
    lozziepops Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    I get requests for lives from friends and always send. Why don’t I have the option to request lives? The heart buttons are grayed out. Sometimes I receive a life from a friend but didn’t ask for it. I didn’t ask because there is no way to do so. Can I send lives to friends without them asking? All of my options are grayed out but it seems my friends have no issues. WTH??

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