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My picture doesn't suit to my level

Chansonita_Ly Posts: 2 Newbie

I reached level 158 already, but my pic stop at level 67. It is ennoyed to mve from 67 to my level


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526 Level 2

    You lost your game progress, or just your picture moved? I can't see how you are playing the game, if you're on a mobile etc but if you have lost a bit of your progress this is generally because your game has lost its synchronization to Facebook. Check in the settings and maybe disconnect/reconnect and see if it comes back. 

  • Chansonita_Ly
    Chansonita_Ly Posts: 2 Newbie

    You lost your game progress, or just your picture moved? I can't see how you are playing the game, if you're on a mobile etc but if you have lost a bit of your progress this is generally because your game has lost its synchronization to Facebook. Check in the settings and maybe disconnect/reconnect and see if it comes back. 

    No. I didn't lost my progress. I can play as usual but my picture don't move. it stop at level 67 even syn with fb. When I open the game, they show that m at level 67.

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