Candy Crush Soda Saga running at double speed

Level 1
Soda saga is suddenly running at double speed. It was updated 4 days ago and running normally until now. It is not a low battery issue. My battery power is 100%.
Hi Tralfaz Wizard, I am not exactly sure what you mean by double speed I am sorry. Do you mean the game itself is running quicker than it should be or using more battery than usual?
There could be an update issue so if you could try this troubleshooting I would be grateful and hopefully it will help
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I am also having this issue. It's the game play animation that is very fast as compared to normal. See video.
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Thank you Matt,
Can you also try the troubleshooting, but thank you so much for your video! That is really helpful. I will pass it over to the moderators to see if they have had anything from the studio.
Is it any level or all?
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Seems to be all levels and I have tried the troubleshooting...force closing, rebooting phone, reinstalling the app and same results.
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Thanks Matt, I had to ask as the first thing the mod would have done was ask if you had tried it lol. Keep checking for updates but hopefully she will see it and get back to me tomorrow. She has quite a list as she was busy away from King care today. But don't worry, she will
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As of today, I am also having this issue on my iPad (not on my iPhone). Besides being faster, the graphics are bouncier than before. I don't like it and find it very jarring.
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Hi y'all, I'm having the same problem on my iPhone! The candy is super bouncy and the fishes are swimming ultra fast! Yikes! Maybe it's a sugar high lol! The game was working fine until the last update. For me, the fast bouncy version of this game isn't nearly as much fun. Hopefully it will resolve soon.
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Thank you for letting us know KandyKorf, the more that reply the better! So it seems to be an ios issue.
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If everyone that answers could add their ios version and the candy soda version as well that would be very very helpful!
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exactly what my game is doing the candys bounce when they drop .. is aggravating and distractingI am also having this issue. It's the game play animation that is very fast as compared to normal. See video.