(Resolved) 🛑 Ongoing issue: Bake a Cake: My event has disappeared!

Dear players,
We’re currently experiencing an issue with the Bake a Cake event and had to pause the event. We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused. The good news is that the clever people in our studio are already hard at work on a fix. Sit tight, we’re doing our best to resolve the problem quickly for you.
Keep an eye on this thread for any updates regarding the issue!
Why have I not been seeing anymore cakes in the bakery but I get notifications that a new reward is available in the bakery?
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Hello @Alphamale626 and welcome to Soda community!
Please always make sure Soda app is updated to the latest version otherwise the game is not able to run this event.
If Bake a Cake still doesn't appear in the game then the event is not available at the moment.
You may read more details in the thread below
🍰 Bake A Cake shows as Coming Soon
The presence of events in the game is not something we players have influence on, I'm afraid
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It’s been over a month since I’ve not been able to bake a cake.is there a problem with the app?
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Sorry for the inconvenience you've encountered with Bake a Cake for a long time. I hope this post will help you.
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Welcome to Soda Community @jofrbr
I am sorry about this! Bake a Cake may at times appear as 'Coming Soon'. Don't worry, this isn't a glitch or an error. The 'Coming Soon' sign means that the feature is not currently available, this can be either due to it taking a break in your game or that your team has already finished baking the cake. Also, make sure you have the latest game update!
It is understandable this might feel a little bit like your teammate got an extra slice of cake while you're waiting for your turn, but at the moment, that's how it works.
We appreciate all the feedback on this feature however, and you're free to leave a comment in the thread: "🍰 Bake A Cake shows as Coming Soon"
The best you can do, is to make sure you have the latest game version.
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Following by screenshot.
Today cakes is opened to play and closed in 2 hours . Why game is have this problem?
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This morning i logged in to check if the bakery was open before i had tho leave my work place and it was when i got home it was open but as i opened it to start playing it came up bakery now closed and the timer was at 0
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Hello @Willie1953 and welcome to Soda community!
There's an ongoing issue with Bake a Cake, Soda Studio is already working on it 🙂
I'm sorry for the inconvenience
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Hello @Willie1953
I saw a similar comment from another player. It could be that a problem is caused by the bakery and that is why the event is closed. The "Coming soon" is also visible in my game.
We have not yet received any further information as to whether the bakery has a problem and therefore the event has been closed.