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  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    Better yet...Queen of King...Expert in all Candies...Genius in getting best results! You're being showered with compliments my dear Amoon! 🀩 ❀️

    Me a naughty friend? 🀣 No way. Mischievous perhaps but nah. .witty is more like its best. 🀣

    I miss you Amoon. I have fun conversing with you. πŸ€—

    See you later alligator.

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,055

    Please leave the alligator alone

    A separate funny and silly story


    He is sleeping now, do not disturb him, I am afraid to wake him up and learn what the consequences are Hahahaha

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    It's not the same 🀣 It's a catchphrase commonly expressed meaning goodbye. 🀣 The baby alligators from FHS are all grown-up now having their feast...hopefully it won't include you.🀣

    Here are some fun ways to say bye: (Only for those who are a kid at heart).

    See you later, alligator Bye-bye, butterfly Get in line, porcupine

    In a while, crocodile Out the door, dinosaur Hit the road, happy toad

    Gotta go, buffalo Till then, penguin Give me a kiss, goldfish

    See you soon, raccoon On the bus, octopus Give me a hug, lady bug

    Be sweet, parakeet Adios, Hippos Take care, polar bear

    I'm just lightening up the mood. πŸ˜‚

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,055

    Thank you for your time

    He sends you his cold regards For your light mood

    Watch out, fish! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    Thanks for all the fish


  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    🀣🀣🀣 You make me laugh 🀣🀣🀣

    I don't know how your response fit in to what I wrote but I'm laughing hysterically. 🀣 You have your own world and I have mine. 🀣 It's like a blind leading a blind. 🀣 You're the yin to my yang although we're going in different directions.

    You're still back to the old alligator. 🀣 "cold regards" 🀣 Please know that his prey is not limited to fish. Try sitting next to him. 🀣 He'll be thanking me. 🀣

    Ohh @Amoonmoon what am I going to do with you.

    We click because we have similar sense of humor...usually off the wall. Imagine if we're sitting in the same room. We'll be laughing like crazy.

    Thanks for the laugh my friend! 😍

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    @Amoonmoon @steventseng

    How do you get unlimited lives in CCS? I know we can get lives from friends but I'm talking about timed life without using gold bars.

    Also, how come in Season Mastery the color star rarely appears and when it does some that I won don't get registered and counted in my chest box? How do you fix all these glitches? Logging off and on don't work. This has been happening a lot lately. Activities in my events appear and disappear regularly like Houdini. I can't keep track and have no idea when these acts will happen.

    And the Candy Royale...whose idea is this? It kept changing the required levels to complete.

    I think I need to retire from playing. πŸ˜‚

  • Ibnana
    Ibnana Posts: 4,023

    @SApple2 @Amoonmoon @steventseng ...

    You guys totally crack me up! There you go, it had to be said ... Keep it going. Everyone needs an outlet. πŸ˜‚ LOL 🍬🍭πŸ₯€πŸ₯‚πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ˜

  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806
    edited January 2024

    You know you can always join in the fun πŸ˜„ You might need to change your undie. 🀣 referring to your gif.

  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,839

    1. I don’t know that CCS has infinite lives. I only know about replenishing lives: when there are no time-limited tasks or competitions, the time is set forward by 2 hours and the lives are replenished immediately. For limited time missions or competitions, I use 20 lives per day.

    2. During the season mastery activity, my situation was normal. I have passed 30 levels of "Gem Hunt" and currently have 4.

    3. Candy Royale I have seen a group of friends post that you have to pass one more level than the game shows to get rewards. For example, if you pass 12 levels to share 500 gold bars, you must pass 13 levels before you can get the gold bars.


  • SApple2
    SApple2 Posts: 3,806

    I'm serious with my questions @Amoonmoon @steventseng! Want to play continuously without using my saved lives from friends. Please answer the rest as well. Thanks πŸ€—

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