No new levels
Oh ok
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Welcome to Soda Community @Terrie62
Did you check for game and device updates? Current version is 1.265.3
Latest levels are:
iOS, Android:
- Episodes 916, 917 & 918 with the final level being 13885.
- Episodes 922, 923 & 924 with the final level being 13975.
Latest levels can be found here:
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Says my latest version is 1261.2. how do I update?
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Hello again @Terrie62
What device do you use to play Soda? You need to go to the app store of your device where you downloaded the Soda app from. (Play Store-Android, App Store-Apple, Microsoft Store-Windows)
Then search for 'Candy Crush Soda Saga' in the app store search function. You can see the "delete" and "update" or "play" options for the Soda app. Select Update.
Make sure your device has at least 2GB memory storage beforehand 🤗