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A cake has five tiers. Each tier has different numbers of recipes.
First tier-- five recipes
Second tier-- eight recipes
Third tier -- ten recipes
Fourth tier-- ten recipes
Last tier-- twelve recipes
If you have finished one recipe, you will get one point. You will get five points after finishing one tier, ten points after finishing the cake. Therefore you can only get 75 team points normally.
Nevertheless, when you have double baked or triple baked a same recipe with your teammates, you can get more than 75 in total. It is 1 point extra for one recipe also. Therefore you sometimes may find the total numbers of finished slices can over 45 in the chefs' list.
When you double baked the last recipe with your teammates, you can get 11 team points extra. Ten points after finishing the cake has been obtained repeatedly. It is very funny, but you can use this technique to get more. When you have triple baked the last recipe, you can get 22 team points extra.
Only cake points can be double, tier points cannot.
More team points you get, faster to get team rewards.
What is the strange part you found from the following photo?
Four slices have been baked inside the cake, but the chef has baked 9 slices from the top chefs list. He can only get 4 points originally, but he has got 9 points now from 4 slices. Why? It is caused by network connection issue.
You can do it INTENTIONALLY. When you make the network connection error appears successfully. You could get 1, 2 or 3 extra. This means you have baked only one slice, but the system thinks you have baked 2, 3 or 4. I am testing what is the condition to decide+1 or +3 now. If you know the condition or you can get more than 3 extra. Please tell me.
When you use this trick to last recipe, you can get many team points!!!!!
I have baked 45 slices originally. It becomes 48 slices after +3 from network connection error trick. The last slice has been double baked by my teammates also. This means the last slice has been baked five times. My team has got 119 team points from this cake.
"Sweet! The cake is baked! "This message appears five times in chat box.
More team points you get, faster to get team rewards.
After using this technique, I have got the level 20 team rewards immediately. If I do not use any tricks to this team, this team needs 20 team points to reach level 20 after finishing the cake, I must have waited until next cake appears next week.
I don’t understand how my team can dbl or triple bake cake layers. Can you explain in more detail plesse? Thank you.
Hello. Have they changed the procedure that allows a team member to free the team members (who have lost their chef’s hat)? Previously, once 5 levels have been passed, you get to open the cake dome to free the team members.
You can communicate with your teammates in chat box. If you have a old version of recipe display, you can know how many people are baking this slice easily. If you have a new version of recipe display, you have to enter the last recipe and then wait.
Two players baked the same recipe=double baked
Three players baked the same recipe=triple baked
Using trick no.1 last recipe, trick no.2 connection error and trick no.3, I can bake over 700 slices in one cake now. My team promote from rank 14 to rank 18 by one cake. It is very easy to get over 1,000 team points in one cake.
More team points you get, faster to get team rewards.
After practicing the trick many times, I can bake a slice up to 195 times. I got 1045 by a few slices only. If I could have baked the whole cake on my own, I could get 10,000 team points from one cake.
A team from rank 1 promotes to rank 20 ( the highest rank ) requires 3,600 team points only. Therefore 10,000 points can let you earn many rewards from one cake.
More team points you get, faster to get team rewards.
what is the name of your team please?
As you can see from above picture, I do not stay in any teams. I bake at least 50 cakes weekly.
More team points you get, faster to get team rewards.
At this team, I have only baked the last slice, we got the rewards for rank 15 to rank 20 immediately.
At this team, the completion of the cake is 66%, but we have already got the team rewards for rank 20 six times.