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What is wrong with my gameplay?

It is impossible for me to clear a level. Even for regular levels it takes me 20 - 30 or 40 times to play to have one level cleared. Sometimes like.. once in a zillion times I manage to clear 2 or 3 levels and than I have to play again for a week or more to get any further.
That means:
Weekly challenge - not possible as I stick to 1 or 2 levels. And the moment I am in the race for the challenge - I am placed against people that - the moment I start at 0 are already at 30 or 40 levels cleared. That is so unfair to give them that big a head-start.
Fireworks challenge - only usefull to get 1 hour of lives.. but that does not bring me anywhere.
Treasure hunt with the bat.. Every day I get thrown back into regular as I don't manage to clear even 1 or 2 levels in time.
Soda race - always last
Bake a cake with my team: Never ever able again to free my team. I am never ever helper of the week BUT always give my team mates lives, clear often the most levels on the cake an make sure my teammates get boosters. Together with 2 or 3 others I am the most active in the team and than a random person joins, clears one level or does nothing and becomes helper of the week.. How? Why? They have not helped, did nothing..
Bottles - non existing to me as I always loose them the next level because not able to clear it.

The random generator has calculated you ALWAYS need a booster to have it cleared.
But.. if I use my booster.. it is totally not functional. Fishes clear non useful blocks. Having both the colour and multicolour booster they neverever get together. They auto-combust.
So that means - I am not able to win boosters. I am not able to win gold. Not able to get any further and boosters are not functional.
On top of that - random generator - I think - has also calculated that you need to see a commercial for 5 extra moves. But not always a commercial is offered.
So with no boosters and no commercial getting a level further is impossible.
But - even if a commercial is offered - why would I look a commercial is at the end of my moves I don't even have 20 or 30% cleared? Those 5 levels extra don't help at all.

So please tell me what is the problem! I am at level 4218 and I have never ever felt so much objection from the random generator to get any further.
So nice you give me 300 extra moves and 20 min of life.. but what is the use to put gold into that if I am not able to win any goldbar or booster what so ever.
I have totally lost any trust in the functionality of this game. So can somebody explain to me what has happened and Why?


  • patf63
    patf63 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    yeah what has happened is king is ripping you off so you spend more money they were doing that to me to then what I did is stop spending money on king games no more

  • Tomorrow it is a week ago that I have send in my question.
    @moderators, @support, @whoever has something to inform me.
    For now - Is King taking my question seriously and if yes, why don't I get an answer?
    How can King ask to become sweeter - when customers are treated in this way?

  • I am not paying, spending money or what so ever. It is a free game.
    King is earning money from the cookies I accepted and the permission I gave to give targeted commercials that they can sell. But I am only looking at a commercial if it benefits to clear a level.
    When I only have cleared a minimum and 50 till 70% of the challenge still to be done.. than those 5 moves are not going to work/help.

  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 2,767

    Hey there @JetKuil-Snaterse!

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your detailed experience. We’re sorry to hear that you’re facing these challenges. The goal isn't to make the impossible for any player, so it's unfortunate to hear that it's how its feeling for you right now.

    We're always looking to improve the game and the events hosted in it, like Grow-A-Bear that many are playing right now.

    For the specific issue here, it seems like you're stuck on the level 4218. For this I would have a look on YouTube and see if there are any valuable guides which can help you clear this level so that you can continue on your journey. Looking around I found the following video which might be of help for you!

    As always, we collect the feedback from players posted here on the forum, so it helps that you're sharing your thoughts and opinions on the game so we can make it better for everyone, thank you!

  • Hello @LoFiGummy,
    Thank you for answering. I am not stuck at that level. Suggesting that kind of makes me wonder if you understand what my problem is. I do hope so. Because without understanding the problem how can there be a solution? I am Dutch so maybe it is my English and that I am not clear enough in expressing myself.
    I thing is, I know very well how to play the game and have +4200 levels and a couple of years in build up that experience. Looking how that level is played I wonder if we are looking at the same level and the same gameplay. Colourbombs and fishes together. The amount of boosters spontaneously are available. If my gameplay was like that I would not have a problem.
    OK.. To be specific. The game you showed on youtube has:
    Colour 1 to start with 2 auto
    Multicolour. 1 made and 1 auto.
    Fishes 5 made and 4 auto.
    Stripes 5 made and 5 auto.
    Bomb cushions 2 and 1 auto
    Combinations made colour with fish / stripes x stripes / fish stripes. Nothing auto-combusts. I hope I have got them all. It could be that I am missing a lot.. but it seems like the game is "helping" by offering boosters and fishes swim and combust what they suppose to do.
    I am stuck because of the way King is now programming and displaying MY game. Not just "a" level. Not next or precious level.. ALL levels.
    All levels take an excessive amount of time and are not possible to play without boosters, extra boosters, extra moves with commercials. That means this is not on a level base.. this is on a bigger scale that the game is making things difficult.
    In all the 4000 previous times that I play I have never faced so much objection from the game itself.
    And because of this objection.. on ALL levels the last couple of - I think - months there is a structural problem.
    That is why I would like to know WHAT that problem is.
    Does my account needs a reboot?
    This is why I share my - at this moment very very very disappointing experience - so that something can be done about it. Not the sorry to hear.. but more in the I am going to fix that for you kind of way.
    And.. like al the games - the Grow A Bear game is fun but not fun any more lately.. you know why?
    Because it is connected to levels.
    And you know what my problem is?
    Completing levels.
    So can I please have a constructive solution to this problem?

  • LoFiGummy
    LoFiGummy Posts: 2,767

    Hey there! The reason I linked the video was because of the previous text saying "I am at level 4218 and I have never ever felt so much objection from the random generator to get any further." - apologies if there was a misunderstanding there though!

    As for the levels, while some have randomized elements in how things appear, most of how the levels are built and structured should be the same for players. As such, there is no function to reset or change accounts to accommodate something like this. However, as mentioned previously, this community is a place where you can share both feedback - but also get help from other players should you get stuck on a specific level. Should that happen, please feel free to make a new thread about it.

    Finally, while I don't have the power to change the game or how it's built, I can forward this feedback to the studio to help them take decisions to improve the game. So for that I thank you for your feedback!

  • Quote:"As for the levels, while some have randomized elements in how things appear, most of how the levels are built and structured should be the same for players. As such, there is no function to reset or change accounts to accommodate something like this."

    My friend is playing - yellow sweets look different with her game.
    The video you showed - the randomized elements appear often, are helpful and usable.
    So should be the same is something different as "is" the same, because it is not.

    I am no rookie and see and notice the difference.
    When I am now playing - after usually 25 to 30 sometimes 40 attempts random generator changes into more playable and actually having a chance to finish.

    Noticing that distinct difference in gameplay makes it to me a setting - a switch turned over.
    We only give this amount of sweets, provide colours to come together to make boosters, release bottles etc. etc. and lets see how many they buy, or use gold if they are frustrated.
    Or lets make it so very difficult that you need 100+ moves for 10 goldbars.. ow and look.. here we provide that 100 or 200 or 300 moves.
    Stranges things happen though when you actually do play on with 10 goldbars..
    All of the sudden.. al the blocks fall in your favour. Boosters appear, fishes swim right.. and you are cleared in 5 more moves.
    So again.. that - to me - is a setting in the gameplay.

    Usually I cleared about 30 to 50 and in a good week 80 levels a week. With or without use of boosters or commercials for 5 more moves.
    At this moment it is 3 to 7 levels a week. Playing with the same regularity.
    Spot the difference.. and if that is not a setting - than something thoroughly goes wrong in this game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?