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Level 2
El fet d'arribar al "final" del joc és una desgracia.
Sabent que hi ha més nivells disponibles no ens els deixen jugar.
Hauré de començar Desde el nivell 1 si vullc continuar al joc.
La porta rosa és un desastre. No tens possibilitats de guanyar rés. Ni torneig, ni coets, ni cursa… i no vingau diguent-me que actualitze el joc, que borre la memoria cau, etc...
Res funciona!
Gràcies per premiar als que juguem bé. Decepcionada i enfadada.
Hi there @Gela2
Levels for Windows players are 90 levels ahead of mobile players; 45 new levels are released every Friday. The Door was developed by the Game Studio to give players like you the opportunity to participate in tournaments (such as Soda Cup). Unfortunately, there are a few bugs that the Studio is working hard to fix.
I was also at the end of the levels and temporarily played less so that I had more levels to participate in a tournament. Think positive and hope that the studio will soon fix The Door's bugs.
Maybe you can try another King game as well 🙂
You can find the latest levels in this thread:
Have a wonderful day! 😎