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What happened with me is that when they moved the cake to the activities area the "news" decided to ask my team for lives. Then my team members sent me lives but I never requested it. So I thought it was a glitch because it grayed out the area and never brought it back.
I really enjoyed the chat. I mean we had a new meme we to our team and usually our whole team would welcome them. It’s just not as fun especially when building the cake. I looked forward to congratulating the efforts of each team member to stick with building and come back! Or to even thank a member for releasing us to continue building the cake. Aww well. I miss it.
Der Chat ist eines der wichtigsten Bestandteile des Teams. Wenn ihr die teams auflösen wollt und noch mehr Spieler von soda vertreiben wollt, nur zu.
Ihr seit auf den besten Weg
Well much to my surprise I got the chat back a short while ago. I got so excited that it was working so I wanted to chat with my team to let them know that I'm back! Much to my surprise when I clicked on the 'Ask' heart it went gray and posted that I requested lives from my team. I didn't ask that! Now my team is starting to send me lives. I probably won't get their lives since it's a bad glitch or turned off.
I believe that you don’t have the latest game app version. Did anyone on your team respond to your message?
It is the most recent because the CM mentioned this glitch in another message and I gave him all the latest versions on my Windows 11, and mobile devices plus the game version too. Yes one of the team members sent me a life even though I never requested it. I have another team member that is going to post in our chat since her chat is still working. There is another team member on my team that has lost it too.
So weird…it’s probably another one of those A/B testing 🙄 I hate when we don’t get the same features. Frustrating game but I’m still here and playing 😅
I feel like the studio is playing different game. They want to see what does it take to make me quit 😂🤣😂
it’s all the games that have that AB testing. For years I have been complaining.