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We want your feedback on Bubblegum Hill!

Xarly Posts: 2,509
Hi everyone!

You all have been bringing such great feedback with multiple different topics. Today we want to ask you about one of your very favourite events: Bubblegum Hill!

What is your favourite thing about Bubblegum Hill and what things do you think could improve?

Please comment below and let us know what your thoughts are. And because you are all here helping us making the game better, we want to give some of it back to you! We will give out 20 gold bars to 5 of you that participate and provide feedback (note that this will not be based on how nice your feedback is, we want to really read what you like and what you don't about the event, so that we can make it even better for you!

That's all! Thanks everyone for your feedback and let's get the conversation going :hurrah:.



  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713
    Hi @Xarly my feedback would be this - I love BGH. However I miss the randomness of the levels updating for each new time period and I miss getting bigger gold bar rewards. Used to be 4/5 new levels each time but before it was taken down it was the same levels every time.

    Lastly when i win (if) I only ever seem to get 1 gold bar now. Used to be timed and the longer it took for the next person to win the more amount of gold bars you would get. That was a cool feature of it and I haven’t seen that repeated in a long time!

    Cant wait to play this weekend hopefully 😁🙏🏻💪🏻
  • joasia7721
    joasia7721 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    edited March 2019
    Mine still doesn't work ehhh

  • Marina_Vagale
    Marina_Vagale Posts: 10

    Level 2

    This is the most important and favorite event! This is the best you can think of for the game. Thank you for this event.
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited March 2019
    What I like: the possibility collecting a lot of hammers.
    What could improve: getting more gold bars instead of most of the time just 1.

    I have noticed some time ago, we could win more gold bars and the longer it took to dethroned you won more goldbars. Now, I had earned 15 goldbars, and was dethroned after 2 hours. I remember before, I could win 50 goldbars after dethroning in 1 hour. (Something like that) 

    I just won 3 gold bars after dethroning 45 minutes. That’s frustrating. 
  • itslate98
    itslate98 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The most frustrating thing about BGH is once you lose your throne (if you even complete all 5 levels) you only get one gold bar.
    A long time ago you used to be able to build up gold bars by playing and completing BGH.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Posts: 5

    Level 2

    It would I would love to see randomness in each series. 
    Also I would love to see BGH more regularly. 
    The change in the amount of gold bars you can win is not very encouraging either. 
  • 1. It's my favorite event.
    2. I prefer the levels being randomized.
    3. I like being able to play it for more than one day so I have more time to try and win.
    4. As stated above, the amount of gold bars won seems to have decreased.

    I have two questions:
    1. Would it be possible to win other candies besides the pink lollipop hammers if you maintained the throne for long periods of time?
    2. When I first played CCSS, I could play BGH while another event was running at the same time (such as collecting stars for Allen). Was this changed, or is this unique on my end?

  • butlerbkoolmom
    butlerbkoolmom Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I miss the retake the throne for multiple gold bars.  I also miss it being available more often (or days available being spaced out during the week)!  Randomize the levels. 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited March 2019
    Hello @Xarly,

    My favorite thing in the BGH is --  winning of "Unlimited Lives" and "6 Lollipop Hammers" (if I win that is). 
    For some reason, most of the times, I get hard levels.  It used to be 4 Easy levels (Super Easy, Extra Easy Little Easy, and Easy in that order from 1 to 4) and last level being a hard one.  Now, I feel all are hard levels and it has been a while since I won in BGH.  I play that to win Gold Bars and Lollipop Hammers, so I don't want to spend any of those to win the event!!

    One thing to improve --  I am with @Foley1362 and all above players.  Instead of just 1 Gold bar, may be 10 Gold Bars when we stayed on the throne for 10 minutes or more!!

    Hello @itslate98, @spongebob and @butlerbkoolmom, A Warm Welcome to the King Community.  Hope you enjoy our company and have a nice time on this Community!  Hope to see you soon again :)
  • Stan_Szczepanski
    Stan_Szczepanski Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Having a shuffle option when presented with a bad board.  Changing the rewards when changing the levels of BGH or giving the  option of what rewards one wants (either starting BGH or after completion of the Hill).  Not directly related to BGH, but in normal play giving the choice to go to a previous level easier than currently having to scroll back one section at a time.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?