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Please bring Kimmy back to Soda World!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

I can’t remember when @LoFiGummy posted a poll here saying that Kimmy was leaving Soda World to look for her sister because she hadn’t been receiving her messages in a bottle.

Our poor Kimmy has found her sister and all is well with her. But she really misses her friends in Soda World …………………. please bring Kimmy back home!

In that post by our CM, it was mentioned that the game was going to be all about the bears; however, I miss Kimmy sooooooooo very much! She was and is a big part of this game and I’m really getting tired of just seeing the bears all the time.

I’ve heard from some Soda players that they really enjoyed the older version with the stories. Perhaps the studio just needed to make some changes but it would be really cool to see the stories come back again. Please feel free to comment about this too.

And while we’re on the subject of stories, I did write a story a long time ago about Kimmy going to look for her sister and if you’d like to read it here is the link: Why does Kimmy look so worried?

Below please find a poll and let’s hear from all Soda players here in this area by voting if you want her back or you’re satisfied with just the bears.

Please bring Kimmy back to Soda World! 17 votes

I want Kimmy back
_Elsa_AshrafCourtney1990Princess_JessicaLou_2002Racoon7Palash_SarmateeweipingJONH10PaulaB1Stichting_NoFapCcallstarssrikandi[Deleted User]Gabe521 15 votes
I’m fine with just the bears
GumyupawpawLadyGaivman 2 votes


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?