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The Fish 🐟 🎣 please change back

B1rd_face Posts: 8

Level 2

edited February 13 in Discussions

can we please consider having the fish go back to how they used to be? I know we can make more fish to eat jelly but there are a few issues with this. If you combine a fish with something else, it doesn’t always eat jelly. After you combine the fish and another booster, you only get 1 of the boosters where previously you were given 3 (I loved setting up fish to combine boosters). Now I try not to combine because I don’t know what random thing it will do. You also only get 1 fish (what’s the point?) where previously 3 fish would be provided and eat 3 jellies. Also, if you’re setting up a row and the fish is randomly activated, you often lose what you’re setting up as it randomly chooses what it takes which is not always a jelly. I find you’re better off not making fish with this change to the game. Please change it back. Thanks 🙏


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