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How do you become helper of the week in your team?



  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    Please read my post with the examples once more again.🙏

    My assumption has two parts, but you read only the first part. The second part said if you stay in your team and do nothing during one week. You will NOT more likely become helper of that week UNLESS you was the helper of last week and noone do any activities in the team within the time period of the system selecting HoW.

    As the third example in my post, I became the HoW in a Rank 4 team: zoya, I think it is because I did an activity ( joining the team )within the time period of the system selecting HoW.

    When is the time period of the system selecting a HoW? You should find out the answer and then do some activities within this period.

    As the message appears after the Bake a Cake has passed 3 days, you can bake a slice 2 hours before the message appears, one hour and a half before it appears, one hour before it appears, 30 minutes before it appears.

    After you have collected enough data, you can be the HoW whenever you want.😎

  • Stichting_NoFap
    Stichting_NoFap Posts: 89

    Level 3

    I did read it. But the hypothetical situations which you described in your examples don't apply to the situation with my team.

    Therefore I asked —if and only if regarding the assumption I quoted, since that and only that is what applies to the situation with my team— whether or not it could be more likely to become helper of the week.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    Due to English is not my mother tongue, and it is not yours too, by the language shown in your screenshot.

    I think I have explained it very clear.

    Since you are not the HoW in last week in your team, therefore you have to do something to change this situation. If You have become the HoW, you could do nothing to defend your title.

    My recommendation: Bake a slice within the time period of system selecting HoW. I do not have sufficient data to find this time period so far unless I do many attempts to collect sufficient data. You can find out this time period by yourself, using the method I have provided in last post.

  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,863

    Wow! Thank you for your detailed picture and text description, it is very stunning and impressive.

  • Stichting_NoFap
    Stichting_NoFap Posts: 89

    Level 3

    Yes, you did indeed explain it very clear, I got all of what you said. And I really appreciate and am thankful for your elaborate explanation and the effort you put into it.

    The only thing is that I'm just saying that your answer isn't directly addressing my issue and resolving it, because I'm in a full and active team.That's why I can't do the tests you described to become HotW by doing an activity withing the time period of selecting that you mentioned.

    And believe me or not, I've read your methods again thoroughly. And based on what you described, even doing that doesn't determine when the time window occurs.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    The Bake a Cake event lasts 6 days from Thursday CET 9:00am to Wednesday CET 9:00am.

    The HoW message usually appears when the event passed half of the time. Therefore I think it will start appearing around Sunday CET 9:00am.

    You can do many attempts to find out the system selecting the HoW time, even though your team are full and active.

    As the moderator said, it depends on bake a slice, offer a life to your teammates, request a life from your teammates. I don't say he is wrong because his answer comes from official, but he said it not clear to mislead you think the quantity matters. According to the examples ( the fact )and my experience, the critical part is the timing you do these activities.

    Assume your team is very active, so your cake may be finished before the HoW and you cannot bake it anymore. Your teammates have unlimited time of lives, so they don't need your help. But you can do one activity at least, it is: leave and then re-join your team. You can do this activity repeatedly to find out the timing of system selecting the HoW.

    In my third example, I became the HoW in a team by joining it only. I think I will be the HoW as well next week if I stay in the team. The visitors can be a HoW ( example 1, 2 and 3 )because they do this activity within the time period of system selecting the HoW.

    Do this activity: leave and then re-join your team on Sunday CET 7:00am, 7:30am, 8:00am, 8:30am, 9:00am, 9:30am until the HoW message appears. If the message appears on 9:30am, next Sunday, you can do this activity on 9:05, 9:10, 9:15 until the message appears to find out the actual range of time.

    If you have become the HoW in your team, you can do nothing later to defend your title or do any activities within the range of selecting HoW time.

  • michimune
    michimune Posts: 920

    Joining a team is an acceptable activity in determining the HoW.

    In my second example, it is an active team even though it has only one team member, the administrator.

    The admin has been baking the cake and he was the HoW before. But this title is taken away by a visitor to his team suddenly. The visitor has just done one activity to the team, joining to the team, but this only one activity is done within the time period of system selecting the HoW.

  • moonlight46
    moonlight46 Posts: 1,112

    What is HoW exactly? I was shocked to see I got it lol. I never had HoW before. That makes me happy 😊!

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