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Lives requests - how do I block someone?

Taittinger28 Posts: 23

Level 3

edited April 2019 in Support

Why is it that every time I play the game I have the same live's request from the same member on all of my devices (PC, phone and tablet). Who is Dhouieb and why does he ask me for lives every single day? He's never sent me any lives so how can I block him so he doesn't keep pestering me? Any advice greatly appreciated! 😁😁😁


  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,462

    Hi @Taittinger28 The only way you can block someone from your game is by unfriended him on Facebook and he will disappear from your game in about 24 hours, and then from Facebook setting you can block someone to requesting to be a friend

  • Taittinger28
    Taittinger28 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I don't have the game linked to Facebook so is there no way of blocking him if I'm not on Facebook? It seems odd that the same name keeps cropping up every time I play the game....wondering if it's a glitch?

  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,462

    Hi again @Taittinger28 That’s so interesting because as my knowledge we only can get friends request if our game synch to Facebook πŸ€”, Let me tag our superstar @firebombmarkus , He might have a better answer for you.

  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104

    Hi @Taittinger28 and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Thanks for tagging me @mysticalmysty We can connect our games with Facebook or King account. If we connect it to a Facebook account we will see Facebook friends. If we connect to King (but previously were connected to Facebook) we will see King friends (random people around the world with King avatars) but we will also see Facebook friends. As for deleting or blocking players, I think that's not possible. Hope this will help you clarify the situation. Have a wonderful weekend πŸ€—

  • flew66
    flew66 Posts: 2,361

    I linked my FB account to keep track of progress on CCF. While I have a few FB friends on CCF, majority of the 'friends' are random players from King account (assuming they are real people πŸ˜‰). No, I don't have a choice on who are my random friends. I also got frequent requests from the same player. I don't think there is a way to block it. In any case, sending lives only takes a couple clicks. It doesn't bother me that much. If it bothers you, just don't click on the life counter and ignore the request. Cheers!

  • SeraphicStar
    SeraphicStar Posts: 4,536
    edited April 2019

    Hello @Taittinger28 and Welcome to our Divine Candy Crush Friends Community! 😁

    As @firebombmarkus stated I don't believe that you can block requests if the player is requesting lives via a King Account. πŸ˜•

    Also @flew66 the only issue with ignoring it is that you must first send lives to others asking for help before you are allowed to request lives yourself. This means in order for @Taittinger28 to ask for help they must first send lives to those requesting πŸ€”

    Anyway I hope you guys have a crushtastic weekend, and hope this information helped out! πŸ˜†

  • Taittinger28
    Taittinger28 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    edited April 2019

    Thank you for all your answers. However, I still think there is a glitch in the game and the issue of asking and sending lives has still not been fixed. Why do I get a lives request from the same member Dhouieb on all three of my devices every single time I open the game? I never get any requests from anyone else! @SeraphicStar - yes I have both sent lives to Dhouieb and asked for help from Dhouieb (as well as other members) and I have received nothing in return! I'll say again, I think there is still an issue within the game over sending and receiving lives. Is there any news on when a fix might be implemented or do think it is now fixed?

  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104

    @Taittinger28 I understand what you say. I am also receiving live from one or two players. It's a known issue of sending and receiving lives and the studio is aware of it. As far as I know they are working on it. You can follow the post on the link below to find out more about this. Our Community Manager will post an announcement there as soon as there is something new. Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day πŸ€—

  • shantelly
    shantelly Posts: 3

    Level 1

    So your company allows ppl to be harassed on candy crush yall need to get it right this lives crap I'm sick of ppl sending request

  • Racheyk
    Racheyk Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Have to agree. It’s also a little creepy. If you ignore the requests, they send more. If you accept them, it’s just as bad. One would think programmers of today could do something about this and make an option to block players rather quickly. Please do.

    Also I have never requested lives but yet get requests.

    @flew66 you may not mind the requests and it sounds reciprocated so that’s cool for you but it isn’t for everyone, which is why we have asked for support with this.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?