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i have lost all of my boosters

FJD Posts: 2

Level 1

About 2 weeks ago I lost all of my progress and boosters. The other day my progress was restored when I logged out of Facebook and then back in. However, I still don’t have my boosters. How do I get them back?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,156
    Hello @FJD Hearty Welcome to the Candy Soda section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game!  Can you tell me how you lost your game progress as well as the boosters?

    Did you reinstall your game on your device for certain reasons OR did you download the game on to a new device OR did your game crash and hence you had this issue?  

    ** IF you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you will be able to write back :+1: 

    Hope to talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • JohnA
    JohnA Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I paid $99.99 for extra points and then PGE our electrical company turned all our power off.  It was off for two days, Wed and Thur of last week  and I lost all my points because of that.  If I had known that all our power was going to be turned off I never would have bought /spent the $99.99.  Its not fair that I paid for extra points but wasn't able to use them.
  • FJD
    FJD Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I just opened the game 2 weeks ago and instead of being on level 3,671 I was on level 58 with no gold bars and no boosters.  I did not reinstall the game or download it on another device, and the game did not crash. About 2 days ago the game returned to level 3,671 and all of my gold bars returned but no boosters.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,156
    Hello gain @FJD I am very sorry to hear about the issue!  

    Please provide your game user ID number with help of this link Find your ID 

    Once you post it, I will escalate this issue to our Soda Community Manager to look into your game!  You will have to be patient till the weekend is over!  

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